Vibes is a fully functional social media app for music lovers with many useful features. The user is able to sign up using username and password. The user is able to enter information and create their own profile. The user is able to login using the credentials they use to sign up. The user is able to make posts, delete posts, update posts, read posts. The user can also interact with other users by posting comments on other users posts on feed. The user can also delete, read, and update comments. The user is able to listen to music using the embedded music player on the app. The user is able to upload images and post images in the posts and comments. The user is also able to upload an image and set it as thier profile picture.
- ReactJS
- NodeJs
- Mongoose
- Express
- APIs
- MongoDB Atlas database.
- node-sass: used Sass to style our app, using features that Sass enables such as mixins/includes
- axios: used to create HTTP requests that are present externally especially
- ityped: used to display a string on our app, and it allowed us to type at the speed we had set, it also backspace what it's typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings we had added.
- prop-types:
- timeago.js: used to show the datetime with "time ago" in our posts and comments
- @material-ui/icons: used to bring icons in.
- react-router-dom: enabled us to implement dynamic routing in a web app. It allows us to display pages and allow users to navigate them. It is a fully-featured client and server-side routing library for React.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
We plan to add more features to the website by making it more visually appealing.
We also plan to add and "add friends" feature, which will allow our users to only interact with the people they have added as "friends"