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This is an example full stack web application built in Python with the Flask framework. This application displays an interactive data dashboard of stock prices over time.



To run this app, you'll need to have Anaconda, Python, and Pip installed (specifically Python version 3.10+).


Make a copy of the template repository from GitHub. Clone your copy of the repo onto your local computer, for example onto your Desktop.

Navigate to the local repository from the command line, for example:

cd ~/Desktop/flask-dashboard-template-2024

NOTE: it is important to navigate to the root directory before running any of the commands below.

Create new virtual environment (first time only):

conda create -n dashboard-env python=3.10

Activate the virtual environment (first time, or whenever you return to the project):

conda activate dashboard-env

NOTE: it is important to activate the virual environment before running any of the commands below.

Install package dependencies (first time only):

pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: if you see an error after running this package installation command, make sure you have first navigated to the root directory of your local repository, where the "requirements.txt" file exists.


You'll also need to obtain a "premium" access AlphaVantage API Key and set it as the ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY environment variable (see configuration section below).


Create a new file called ".env" in the root directory of your local repository, and place inside contents like the following:

# this is the ".env" file...

# telling flask where our app is defined:

# for interfacing with the AlphaVantage API:

NOTE: when you push your repository to GitHub, the ".env" file does not show up - this is desired behavior, as designated by the ".gitignore" file, to prevent our secret credentials stored in the ".env" file from being uploaded or exposed on GitHub.


AlphaVantage Data Service

After you have configured environment variables, you should be able to run the following file to verify the app's ability to fetch stock data:

python -m app.alpha

Web Application

Assuming the data fetching functionality is working, you should be able to run the web application (then view in the browser at localhost:5000):

flask run

By default, you should be able to view the following routes:

NOTE: if you run into issues seeting the site at the localhost:5000 address, try instead!

NOTE: by default the home routes display some text, but you can update the "web_app/routes/" file to have them render HTML pages instead!


Running tests, as configured by the "" file and defined in the "test" directory:


Continuous Integration (CI)

This repository uses GitHub Actions to run tests automatically when new code is pushed up to GitHub. The configuration file for this CI build is found at ".github/workflows/python-app.yml". To make the build pass, you'll need to first set a repository secret called ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY (via the "Secrets and variables" > "Actions" menu in the GitHub repo settings). Use the same value as in your local ".env" file (except omit the quotes).


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