The "Too Many Roles Mod", is a mod for among Us, adding roles and perssonalization options.
16 Game options are configurable in the lobby, They allow you to create the adjustments according to your needs.
And currently has 3 roles : TimeMaster, Investigator and Lighter.
Several roles will be added in the future.
Among Us - Version | Mod Version | Link |
2020.3.5s | V2.0.1 | Download |
2020.3.5s | V2.0.0 | Download |
2020.12.19s | V1.2.1 | Download |
2020.12.19s | V1.2.0 | Download |
2020.12.19s | V1.1.0 | Download |
# Version 2.0 - Among us 2021.5.3s
- Too many roles is now in 2021.3.5s.
- Added new roles, the Psychic.
- The footprint has new textures and is now oriented according to the direction of the player.
- Rewinding closes mini-games.
- Rewind no longer affects players in vents.
- The rewind effect is no longer affected by the internet connection, movement and reanimation are now perfectly smooth.
- The footprint now supports player color changes.
- The update of the footprint is now more realistic.
- New button textures.
- The psychic, can see the position of all players in real time
- All players are alerted when this power is activated,
- The dead are not displayed.
- Players can be anonymous
Download the zip file on the right side of Github.
Note: No private server is required, You can play on the official servers.
- Find the folder of your game, for steams players you can right click in steam, on the game, a menu will appear proposing you to go to the folders.
- Make a copy of your game, it's not obligatory but advise, put it where you want, I advise you to put it in the commun folder of steam.
- Drag or extract the files from the zip into your game, at the .exe level.
- Turn on the game.
- Play the game.
The investigator, is a role allowing to see the movements of the players.
When a player moves, he leaves a footprint on the ground, it disappears after a while...
The investigator can see this footprint.
This role is given only to the Crewmate.
One footprint cannot appear on another foorprint.
Name | Description | Type |
Enable Investigator | Allows you to activate the role. | Toggle |
Number Investigator | Allows you to define the number of players that can have the role. | Number |
Footprint Size | Sets the size of the footprint, The higher the value, the smaller the footprint. | Number |
Footprint Interval | The interval is the duration of time between two footprints. | Number |
Footprint Duration | Duration is the time the footprint remains on the ground. | Number |
Anonymous Footprint | The color is the same for all players. | Toggle |
Footprint are visible arround vent | If this option is disable the footprint are not visible around the vent. | Toggle |
The Time Master has a button, by pressing it all the players go back in time gradually.
If a player is dead during this time, he comes back to life.
This role is available for crewmate and impostor.
Reviving a player can be disabled.
Tasks, Door, Sabotag and eOther button are not impacted.
It is limited to 1 player maximum.
Name | Description | Type |
Enable Time Master | Allows you to activate the role. | Toggle |
Enable Rivive during rewind | Allows you to disable the ability for the player to be revived. | Toggle |
Rewind Duration | Defines the rewind time. | Number |
Rewind Cooldown | It is the cooldown of the button. | Number |
This is a role, having a different vision than a normal player, he can see during the light sabotage. if the option is activated
The light calculation is based on the crewmate's vision.
For example: If the crewmates have a vision of 0.75, and Lighter has a multiplier of 2
The Lighter will have a vision of 1.5.
The multiplicative option can be less than 1.
Name | Description | Type |
Enable Lighter | Allows you to activate the role. | Toggle |
Number Lighter | Allows you to define the number of players that can have the role. | Number |
Lighter Multiplier | Defines the multiplication of the vision in relation to the crewmate vision. | Number |
Lighter sees during electrical sabotage | Allows you to see during the sabotage when the lights are off. | Toggle |
The psychic, is a role allowing to see the movements of the players.
A special minimap opens showing the position of all players in real time.
All players receive an indication when the power of the psychic is activated.
The colors of the players can be anonymous.
The dead are not displayed.
This role is given only to the Crewmate. The minimap is opened automatically on activation. When the power ends, the special minimap becomes a normal minimap.
Name | Description | Type |
Enable Psychic | Allows you to activate the role. | Toggle |
Number Psychic | Allows you to define the number of players that can have the role. | Number |
Psychic Duration | This is the duration of the psychic power in second. | Number |
Psychic Cooldown | The cooldown of pshychic button | Toggle |
Anonymous Player Minimap | Allows to make the colors of the players anonymous on the minimap. | Toggle |
Dead Body Visible | Disables deaths on the psychic minimap. | Toggle |
Yes, Crewlink supports Among Us Modifications
At the current state of the game there is no perma ban system for the game. The mod is designed in a way, that it does not send prohibited server requests. You are also able to join your own custom server to be safe (Impostor)
Yes. Every player in the lobby must have the mod installed.
If you'd like to contact me about anything else: Discord: Hardel#7401 Discord Server:
If you need to contact me, to request additional functionality, or make bug or change requests.
Come on this discord server Discord, or create a ticker on Github. The framework the mod uses. For hooking game functions. For creating custom game options easily. For creating custom role. For code snippets. For code snippets. For code snippets. For code snippters.
This software is distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License. BepinEx is distributed under LGPL-2.1 License.