is a framework/server to teach Go. pixelpixel
is in
early development. Refactoring and documentation is still needed.
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
provides an array of small (256px x 256px) canvases
(each called a pixel) to every user. Each user can write go code
and upload it to the server using the picli
tool to manipulate his/her
Users can inspect the code of other user’s pixels by clicking on the 3-character identifier visible on the pixelpixel.
The server provides the pixelpixel, the canvas on which all the pixels are shown. It also offers an API to create or update pixels (i.e. their code).
To install the server, run
$ go get github.com/voxelbrain/pixelpixel
and start the server from the root of the repository with
$ pixelpixel
2013/07/19 21:27:18 Starting webserver on localhost:8080...
is the command-line tool to upload code to the server.
To install it, run
$ go get github.com/voxelbrain/pixelpixel/picli
or download one of the precompiled binaries
To get started, you can upload one of the examples to the server
$ cd examples/pixelpixelpixel
$ picli upload
2013/07/19 21:35:03 Adding main.go
2013/07/19 21:35:03 Creating a new pixel
2013/07/19 21:35:03 Pixel "j34" uploaded
tries to push the code to pixelpixel.haxigon.com
in that order. If you need different behaviour, please
take a look at picli -h
Version 1.1.0