Restful API CRUD to build your portfolio app. You can create your project documentation and showcase using this Restful API.
- Save multiple images in one project.
- Store multiple tags for a single project.
- Store multiple categories for a single project.
- Maintain relationships for existing categories and tags without duplicating entries.
- Filtering list project by category.
- Cursor Pagination (use the last project ID from the previous page as the cursor to load the next page of projects).
- This project use OOP and Dependency Injection.
Here are some of the tech stacks that I used to develop this restful API :
- Gorm
- Fiber
- Wire
- Swaggo
git clone <this-repo>
go mod tidy
go run
go run .
Generate swagger in your desired directory
swag init -d ./ -o ./main/docs
Generate dependency injection from wire.go
go run