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Cut columns filter

David Megginson edited this page Jan 17, 2018 · 5 revisions
Cut columns filter form.

The Cut columns filter removes columns from a HXL dataset based on a whitelist or blacklist of Tag patterns.


Whitelist: include only columns that match these tag patterns.

Blacklist: include only columns that don't match these tag patterns.

Remove columns without HXL hashtags: if any columns are untagged, remove them from the output data.

Typical use cases

Remove sensitive data, such as personally-identifiable information. For example, using a blacklist of "contact" will remove columns tagged "#contact+name", "#contact+email", "#contact+phone", etc.

Remove data that's not relevant to the audience, such as an internal database identifier.

Remove extra columns added during a previous filter step in a recipe. For example, you can remove some of the "#meta" columns added by the Count rows filter.

Simplify datasets by removing any columns without HXL hashtags (typically for internal use only).



#org #sector #adm1+name #contact+email
UNICEF Education Coast [email protected]
Save the Children Education Plains [email protected]
IOM CCCM Coast [email protected]
UNICEF Protection Plains [email protected]


With blacklist "contact":

#org #sector #adm1+name
UNICEF Education Coast
Save the Children Education Plains
UNICEF Protection Plains

With whitelist "org,contact":

#org #contact+email
UNICEF [email protected]
Save the Children [email protected]
IOM [email protected]
UNICEF [email protected]
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