Project has three different product flavors: dev
, staging
, production
. Each flavor has different appId
and points to different API endpoint. App version name is pulled from the latest git tag. App version code is count of the git tags.
- Clone this repository
- Run
gradlew assembleProductionRelease
for apk orgradlew bundleProductionRelease
for bundle in terminal - APK should be available in /build/outputs/apk_ directory Bundle should be available in /build/outputs/bundle_ directory
Signing process: Debug and release apps are signed with the same keystore. Keystore passwords are automatically loaded from property file during building the app.
We are keeping consistent code style. Use project codestyle.
We are also using ktLint and Detekt to keep our code clean. To easily format and check the formatting before creating new PR, you can run manually in Terminal this task: ./graldew ktlintFormat ktlintCheck detekt
To make this easier, you can also create new "Run/Debug Configuration" -> Gradle -> Add New, and fill "Tasks:" with ktlintFormat ktlintCheck detekt
You can also copy pre-push hook from /extras/hooks/ to /.git/hooks/. It will run all the checks before each push.