aniZero has reached end of support and is not receiving further updates! We have decided to completely remake it under the name "Mononoke" with more features and better security (still in work). You can view it here!
Notice: aniZero is halfway done, don't use it yet >_> please wait some more...
World's (soon to be) most advanced Anime-CMS. Featuring a fully-fledged Account system, rating system, Anime & Episode system, Comment system, Administration panel and embedding Videos of multiple Streaming-Services (such as MixDrop or Streamtape), it can serve you as your very first and own Website such as 9anime or Animixplay. In addition, it's beautifully styled with Bootstrap and CSS. Everything thanks to the power of PHP and MySQL. (Also, this project is not affiliated with the Spanish Anime site)
Please make use of the Discussions-tab of this Project :)
I need help with:
- What Streamhosters do you want?
- what do you want to see on an Anime-page (tags, links, socials, etc)
If you can/want help, start a disscussion on GitHub or create an Issue :3 thanks
See in the Wiki ->
See in the Wiki ->
For changelog, please visit or the changelog.req.php file in /pages/
Please do not remove the footer to credit the hard work of the people who made this software.
Coding by Saintly2k -> & Kleineick -> from Project H33T ->
Styling by Bootstrap 3.4 ->
Thanks to forseyq for the awesome logo! ->