Image generated by DALL-E as I have no artistic sense
Welcome to Vigilare, an open-source fault management system designed to provide comprehensive monitoring and alerting capabilities. Vigilare is built to ensure high availability and reliability of your systems, offering real-time insights and proactive fault resolution.
- Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous surveillance of system performance and health.
- Alerting Mechanism: Immediate notifications for any system irregularities or failures.
- Customizable Dashboards: Tailor-made views to monitor vital metrics.
- Historical Data Analysis: In-depth analysis of past performance for better future planning.
- User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate UI for efficient management.
- Template system: Extend functionality beyond initial design with adding templates.
- Independent GUI: Use your own UI for in-house branding and looks.
- Multiple Graph options available: Support for rrd, and graphite are built in.
- Database authentication: Discrete access levels per user are supported.
- At this time I consider this to be Beta level code. Functional with a few annoyances (05-13-24)
- All testing done on Ubuntu / Debian systems
- Testing on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
- If the GUI is running on the same host as the API server and that is already installed, no additional packages are needed specifically for the GUI.
- Successful installation of the API repository
- Successful configuration of the API repository
- Successful build and coniguration of the database
- Clone this repository to somewhere that Apache can serve from. I phrase it that way because Apache gets grouchy on Ubuntu when you are not in /var/www
- Leverage the example Apache config files to create a working Apache config and install them
- Use SSL! the non-SSL version does work, but the system overall expects SSL (And TBH, Lets Encrypt is cheap ;) )
- configure the config/api.php file with the settings you are going to use
Do NOT EVER use localhost or for the API.
CORS will make you cry.
$apiHttp='https://'; // valid to make http as well if you have to
$apiHostname="FQDN of the API server"; // Caution, DNS failures will make this choke, duh!
$apiUrl= $apiHttp . $apiHostname; // Complete URL minus port number
$apiPort=8002; // Port API is listening on. Do not use less than 1024 due to scanners easily finding this port
$apiKey ='82f758fa-fdf8-4f22-a1a8-276c95b4570a'; // Created with uuidgen :) Should match api key in api if same host, added to api_auth_keys in settings.php otherwise
// These should not be needed for V1. V2 may leverage these to "bless" the UI in even talking to the API server.
$apiUser="apiUser"; // Alternate auth if key is borked or redis oos (maybe? unused currently)
$apiPass="apiPass"; // alternate auth if key is borked or redis oos (maybe? unused currently)
For use in building GUI URL's etc..
If you are using haproxy or something like that
this is where you would put the proxy URL
Things like login need to be explict. Other
URL's can be a little more loosy-goosey.
$uiHostname="FQDN of the GUI";
$uiUrl="https://" . $uiHostname;
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Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Chris Hubbard – [email protected]
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This project has been built using the following frameworks and libraries. There are others used in testing, as well as some aplpha features that may or may not end up in the finished product. Depends on if anyone wants them. I am trying very hard to make sure that the licensing is kept as open as possible so there are no suprises with these libraries. Additionally, I am attempting to use libraries that dont "phone home" or call other JS and leak information whenever possible.
- Bootstrap 5.X
- Simple datatables
- Font Awesome
- jquery
Heavily influenced how I built the UI