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Distributed Object Storage

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Getting Started

Prepare Components

The first component to be laid out is RabbitMQ

Download RabbitMQ and erlang.

In rabbitmqctl command

rabbitmqctl add_user test test
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*"

The second component to be laid out is ElasticSearch 7.x

Refer to this URL to install and use the default configuration to open it.

Then go run readyfordistributed.go for prepare MQ and ES.

Use rabbitmqctl list_exchanges to view the results. If there are two exchanges, apiServers and dataServers, the above program has been successfully executed.

Use Kibana to view and manage your ES.

Environmental configuration

Variable name interface data
RABBITMQ_SERVER need / default "amqp://test:test@localhost:5672/" need / default same with interface
LISTEN_ADDRESS need / default ":23333" need / default ":23334"
STORAGE_ROOT no need need / default "./data"
ES_SERVER need / "localhost:9200" Not sure / "localhost:9200"

You can use default values or set environment variables.

// powershell
$env:RABBITMQ_SERVER = "amqp://test:[email protected]:5672/"
$env:STORAGE_ROOT = YOU_PATH(Where you want to store the object)
./interface.exe or ./data.exe 
// shell
export RABBITMQ_SERVER="amqp://test:test@localhost:5672/"
export LISTEN_ADDRESS="localhost:23333"
export STORAGE_ROOT=YOU_PATH(Where you want to store the object)
// shell
LISTEN_ADDRESS=:12345 STORAGE_ROOT=./tmp RABBITMQ_SERVER="amqp://test:test@localhost:5672/" go run distributed/data/main.go


Please create a directory of STORAGE_ROOT in advance and **create an folders named objects ** in that directory.

The configuration content mentioned above needs to be configured on each node machine as needed.

Then you can find the corresponding binary files data.exe and interface.exe in the release. Run the two programs on different node machines through the command line.

After this project version v0.2, six data server nodes must be equipped, otherwise the service will be unavailable.

You can compile it yourself with the source code.

This is the external RESTful interface table of the interface server:

Http Method URL Param Effect
GET "http://"+APIHOST+"/objects/"+"[name]" [version=「int」] Get object named [name], if version is empty, will return object that is Latest Version
PUT "http://"+APIHOST+"/objects/"+"[name]" 1. Request.Body = object content 2. Content-length=len(object) 3. Digest="SHA-256=「object's hash base64」" Put object
DELETE "http://"+APIHOST+"/objects/"+"[name]" Delte object
Get "http://"+APIHOST+"/versions/"+"[name]" If name is empty, all version information for all objects is returned. Otherwise, all versions of the corresponding object are returned
Get "http://"+APIHOST+"/locate/"+"[name]" Locate the data server on which the object named [name] is located


Mozilla Public License Version 2.0


I write a distributed object storage program based on the book and some modifications of my own. I believe that when the project is completed, I will have a new understanding of the architecture. I hope this is of some use to others and myself.


🏡 Simple Distributed Object Storage







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