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Initial parallel recipe logic helper (#134)
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ALongStringOfNumbers authored Sep 8, 2021
1 parent c25044f commit cd26e72
Showing 1 changed file with 305 additions and 0 deletions.
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/gregtech/api/recipes/logic/
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@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@

import gregtech.api.capability.IMultipleTankHandler;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidTank;
import net.minecraftforge.items.IItemHandlerModifiable;

import java.util.*;

public class ParallelLogic {

* Attempts to multiply the passed {@link Recipe} from the items and fluids in the input inventories, up to a maximum limit.
* This is a rather strict implementation, and can create Recipes that will be too large for the available output inventory slots
* or to be combined into the available space in the output inventory
* @param inputs The Item Input inventory handler
* @param recipeMap The Recipe Map that the provided recipe is from
* @param fluidInputs The Fluid Input inventory handler
* @param recipe The Recipe to be multiplied
* @param parallelAmount The hard limit on the amount of parallel Recipes that can be performed
* @return A Recipe that has had all factors scaled by the number of parallel operations
protected Recipe multiplyRecipe(Recipe recipe, RecipeMap<?> recipeMap, IItemHandlerModifiable inputs, IMultipleTankHandler fluidInputs, int parallelAmount) {

if(parallelAmount == 1) {
return recipe;

// Find all the items in the combined Item Input inventories and create oversized ItemStacks
Set<ItemStack> ingredientStacks = findAllItemsInInputs(inputs);

// Find all the fluids in the combined Fluid Input inventories and create oversized FluidStacks
Set<FluidStack> fluidStacks = findAllFluidsInInputs(fluidInputs);

// Find the maximum number of recipes that can be performed from the items in the item input inventories
int itemMultiplier = getMinRatioItem(ingredientStacks, recipe, parallelAmount);
// Find the maximum number of recipes that be be performed from the items in the fluid input inventories
int fluidMultiplier = getMinRatioFluid(fluidStacks, recipe, parallelAmount);

// Find the maximum number of recipes that can be performed from all available inputs
int minMultiplier = Math.min(itemMultiplier, fluidMultiplier);

// No fluids or items were found in the input inventories that match the recipe's inputs
if(minMultiplier == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return null;

// Create holders for the various parts of the new multiplied Recipe
List<CountableIngredient> newRecipeInputs = new ArrayList<>();
List<FluidStack> newFluidInputs = new ArrayList<>();
List<ItemStack> outputItems = new ArrayList<>();
List<FluidStack> outputFluids = new ArrayList<>();

// Populate the various holders of the multiplied Recipe
this.multiplyInputsAndOutputs(newRecipeInputs, newFluidInputs, outputItems, outputFluids, recipe, minMultiplier);

// Build the new Recipe with multiplied components
RecipeBuilder<?> newRecipe = recipeMap.recipeBuilder()

// Add the chanced outputs to the multiplied recipe
copyChancedItemOutputs(newRecipe, recipe, minMultiplier);

// Return the multiplied Recipe

* Copies the chanced outputs of a Recipe and expands them for the number of parallel recipes performed
* @param newRecipe An instance of the recipe after the inputs and outputs have been multiplied from the number of parallels
* @param oldRecipe The original recipe before any parallel multiplication
* @param numberOfOperations The number of parallel operations that have been performed
protected static void copyChancedItemOutputs(RecipeBuilder<?> newRecipe, Recipe oldRecipe, int numberOfOperations) {

// Iterate through the chanced outputs
for(Recipe.ChanceEntry entry : oldRecipe.getChancedOutputs()) {

int chance = entry.getChance();
int boost = entry.getBoostPerTier();

// Add individual chanced outputs per number of parallel operations performed, to mimic regular recipes.
// This is done instead of simply batching the chanced outputs by the number of parallel operations performed
IntStream.range(0, numberOfOperations).forEach(value -> {
ItemStack itemStack = entry.getItemStack().copy();
newRecipe.chancedOutput(itemStack, chance, boost);

* Copies all items in the input inventory into single oversized stacks per unique item.
* Skips Empty slots
* @param inputs The inventory handler for the input inventory
* @return a {@link Set} of {@link ItemStack}s comprising of oversized stacks for each unique item in the input inventory
protected static Set<ItemStack> findAllItemsInInputs(IItemHandlerModifiable inputs) {
Set<ItemStack> countIngredients = new HashSet<>();

// Iterate through the entire input inventory
for(int slot = 0; slot < inputs.getSlots(); slot++) {
ItemStack wholeItemStack = inputs.getStackInSlot(slot);

// Skip empty slots
if(wholeItemStack.isEmpty()) {

// Populate the initially empty Set with an initial value
if(countIngredients.isEmpty()) {
else {
// Iterate through the existing Set, attempting to match the item from the input inventory to an entry in the Set
boolean found = false;
for(ItemStack stack : countIngredients) {
if(ItemStack.areItemsEqual(stack, wholeItemStack)) {
// If a matching item was found, increment the count of the item in the Set
stack.setCount(stack.getCount() + wholeItemStack.getCount());
found = true;
// If no matching ItemStack was found in the Set, add a new entry to the Set
if(!found) {
return countIngredients;

* Finds the maximum number of Recipes that can be performed at the same time based on the items in the item input inventory
* @param countIngredients a {@link Set} of {@link ItemStack}s that is the result of calling {@link ParallelLogic#findAllItemsInInputs(IItemHandlerModifiable)}
* @param recipe The {@link Recipe} for which to find the maximum that can be ran simultaneously
* @param parallelAmount The limit on the amount of recipes that can be performed at one time
* @return The Maximum number of Recipes that can be performed at a single time based on the available Items
protected int getMinRatioItem(Set<ItemStack> countIngredients, Recipe recipe, int parallelAmount) {

int minMultiplier = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

// Iterate through the recipe inputs
for(CountableIngredient recipeInputs : recipe.getInputs()) {

// Skip not consumed inputs
if(recipeInputs.getCount() == 0) {

// For every stack in the ingredients gathered from the input bus. This is most likely going to be oversized stacks
for(ItemStack wholeItemStack : countIngredients) {

if(recipeInputs.getIngredient().apply(wholeItemStack)) {
//The ratio will either be set by the parallel limit, or the oversized stack divided by the amount of inputs the recipe takes
int ratio = Math.min(parallelAmount, wholeItemStack.getCount() / recipeInputs.getCount());
//Find the maximum number of recipes that can be performed by decrementing the ratio, which is limited
//by the number of machines (as absolute max), or the amount of ingredients in the input bus
if(ratio < minMultiplier) {
minMultiplier = ratio;

return minMultiplier;

* Finds all unique Fluids in the combined Fluid Input inventory, and combines them into a {@link Set} of oversized {@link FluidStack}s
* Skips Empty Fluid Tanks
* @param fluidInputs The combined fluid input inventory handler, in the form of an {@link IMultipleTankHandler}
* @return a {@link Set} of unique {@link FluidStack}s for each fluid in the handler. Will be oversized stacks if required
protected static Set<FluidStack> findAllFluidsInInputs(IMultipleTankHandler fluidInputs) {

Set<FluidStack> combinedFluids = new HashSet<>();

// Iterate through the different tanks that make up the structure
for(IFluidTank tank : fluidInputs) {

// Check if the tank contains a Fluid
if(tank.getFluid() != null) {

// Populate the set with an initial value on the first passthrough
if(combinedFluids.isEmpty()) {
combinedFluids.add(new FluidStack(tank.getFluid(), tank.getFluidAmount()));
else {

// Create a FluidStack from the information provided from the tank
FluidStack tankFluid = new FluidStack(tank.getFluid(), tank.getFluidAmount());

boolean found = false;

// Iterate through the Set of FluidStacks, checking if the created FluidStack already exists
for(FluidStack fs : combinedFluids) {
if(fs.isFluidEqual(tankFluid)) {
// Increment the count of the existing FluidStack to create oversized stacks
fs.amount = fs.amount + tank.getFluidAmount();
found = true;
// If a matching FluidStack was not found in the Set, add a new entry
if(!found) {

return combinedFluids;

* Finds the maximum number of a specific recipe that can be performed based upon the fluids in the fluid inputs
* @param countFluid a {@link Set} of {@link FluidStack}s that is the result of calling {@link ParallelLogic#findAllFluidsInInputs(IMultipleTankHandler)}
* @param recipe The {@link Recipe} for which to find the maximum that can be ran simultaneously
* @param parallelAmount The limit on the amount of recipes that can be performed at one time
* @return The Maximum number of Recipes that can be performed at a single time based on the available Fluids
protected int getMinRatioFluid(Set<FluidStack> countFluid, Recipe recipe, int parallelAmount) {

int minMultiplier = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

// Iterate through the fluid inputs in the recipe
for(FluidStack fs : recipe.getFluidInputs()) {

// Skip Not consumed Fluid inputs
if(fs.amount == 0) {

// Iterate through the fluids in the input hatches. This will likely be oversized stacks
for(FluidStack inputStack : countFluid) {

if(fs.isFluidEqual(inputStack)) {
//The ratio will either be set by the parallel limit, or the oversized stack divided by the amount of inputs the recipe takes
int ratio = Math.min(parallelAmount, inputStack.amount / fs.amount);

//Find the maximum number of recipes that can be performed by decrementing the ratio, which is limited
//by the number of machines (as absolute max), or the amount of ingredients in the input bus
if(ratio < minMultiplier) {
minMultiplier = ratio;

return minMultiplier;

protected static ItemStack copyItemStackWithCount(ItemStack itemStack, int count) {
ItemStack itemCopy = itemStack.copy();
return itemCopy;

protected static FluidStack copyFluidStackWithAmount(FluidStack fluidStack, int count) {
FluidStack fluidCopy = fluidStack.copy();
fluidCopy.amount = count;
return fluidCopy;

protected void multiplyInputsAndOutputs(List<CountableIngredient> newRecipeInputs,
List<FluidStack> newFluidInputs,
List<ItemStack> outputItems,
List<FluidStack> outputFluids,
Recipe recipe,
int numberOfOperations) {

recipe.getInputs().forEach(ci ->
newRecipeInputs.add(new CountableIngredient(ci.getIngredient(),
ci.getCount() * numberOfOperations)));

recipe.getFluidInputs().forEach(fluidStack ->
newFluidInputs.add(new FluidStack(fluidStack.getFluid(),
fluidStack.amount * numberOfOperations)));

recipe.getOutputs().forEach(itemStack ->
itemStack.getCount() * numberOfOperations)));

recipe.getFluidOutputs().forEach(fluidStack ->
fluidStack.amount * numberOfOperations)));

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