Assertion testing on Compliance Layer SmartContracts using scribble
this repo is forked from the C-layer for creating an example for generating annotated files for C-layer smart contracts and then using scribble to generate the instrumented code , this then can be input to the automated fuzzing analyzers ( oyente ,
to cover the specification / property based testing in the
This repository is a monorepos of the different component of the projects.
- Common: contains the core and security architectures among other utilities
- Oracle: contains an oracle
- Token: contains the token core, all token delegates, a token factory with their own default configurations
- Distribution: contains tokensale and vault contracts
- Governance: contains voting and multisig contracts
Also all of the contracts functions are being audited using the Consensys Scribble Framework which allows to mention the conditions concerning the return values of the functions and other variables ( also called as assertion checking modes) which allows the contract to be converted to the
there are following steps are needed to be completed in order to get the required analysis
- writing the statements corresponding to the expressions and the properties that are to be evaluated in the function ( while fullfilling the conditions of the function not being pure view only , as mentioned in the documentation ) .
Install the right version of node.js (between 10.0.0 to 12.0.0) / NPM .
Install the eth-scribble as mentioned in the (placwe)[]
- integration of CI config to create docker job to run the instrumented code on the automated fuzzying tools