v1.0.0 Stable Release
This is an important milestone of Pico-Template with the following features:
- Using Arm Compiler 6 that pico-sdk has NO official support.
- To gain up to date performance and/or code size in code generation
- Support Arm Compiler 6.15 and above
- Use RTE to access the latest CMSIS-Packs
- The latest CMSIS 5.8.0
- Various middleware available in Pack-Installer
- Support Retargeting printf via RTE
- Ease to Use
- Using MDK (old but familiar IDE)
- No requirement on other tools, i.e. cmake, makefile, python etc.
- Has a customised built-in elf2uf2 tool which has stage2-boot support
- Support Debug inside MDK using J-Link
- Support various memory layouts
- Running code in external flash
- Running code in SRAM (and the code is still stored in external flash)
- Debug in SRAM