Adan-Bot is the first bot in the community (hence its name) that will evolve, gradually acquiring numerous implicit features, making it increasingly better.
Use the Go toolchain to fetch the module.
$ go install
You need to add Go installed binaries directory to your PATH
$ export PATH="$(go env "GOPATH")/bin:$PATH"
- Hola Mundo.
- Events calendar.
- Structure of the repo.
- Captcha for new users. (ref. join captcha bot)
- Create databases (Validate SurrealDB) with the members of the Group
- Notification to the group when a PR is created
- Notification of new deploy
- Remove and ban users
- Add Contributing sections
- Automatic CHANGELOG
- Add Linter pipeline
- Test with coverage (50%)
See contribution guide for more information.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.