Basic library for Country, State and City
Data Source:
For any data related issue, you can raise a Issue here.
npm i country-state-city
ES6 Module usage
// Latest version - v3.0.0 with Tree Shaking to reduce bundle size import { Country, State, City } from 'country-state-city'; console.log(Country.getAllCountries()) console.log(State.getAllStates()) // Import Interfaces` import { ICountry, IState, ICity } from 'country-state-city'
AMD Module usage
// Latest version - v3.0.0 let Country = require('country-state-city').Country; let State = require('country-state-city').State; console.log(Country.getAllCountries()) console.log(State.getAllStates())
ES6 Module usage
import csc from 'country-state-city';
AMD Module usage
let csc = require('country-state-city').default;
It accepts a valid CountryCode
eg: 'AS'
and returns Country Details
type: json | ICountry
"isoCode": "IN",
"name": "India",
"phonecode": "91",
"flag": "🇮🇳",
"currency": "INR",
"latitude": "20.00000000",
"longitude": "77.00000000",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Kolkata",
"gmtOffset": 19800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+05:30",
"abbreviation": "IST",
"tzName": "Indian Standard Time"
It accepts a valid StateCode
eg: 'TG'
eg: 'IN'
and returns State Details
type: json | ICountry
"name": "Telangana",
"isoCode": "TG",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "18.11243720",
"longitude": "79.01929970"
It accepts a valid CountryCode
and returns all States as Array of JSON
type: array of json | IState
"name": "Delhi",
"isoCode": "DL",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "28.70405920",
"longitude": "77.10249020"
It accepts a valid CountryCode
, StateCode
and returns all Cities as Array of JSON
type: array of json | ICity
"name": "New Delhi",
"countryCode": "IN",
"stateCode": "DL",
"latitude": "28.63576000",
"longitude": "77.22445000"
It accepts a valid CountryCode
and returns all Cities as Array of JSON
type: array of json | ICity
"name": "New Delhi",
"countryCode": "IN",
"stateCode": "DL",
"latitude": "28.63576000",
"longitude": "77.22445000"
It returns all Countries
type: array of json | ICountry
"isoCode": "IN",
"name": "India",
"phonecode": "91",
"flag": "🇮🇳",
"currency": "INR",
"latitude": "20.00000000",
"longitude": "77.00000000",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Kolkata",
"gmtOffset": 19800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+05:30",
"abbreviation": "IST",
"tzName": "Indian Standard Time"
It returns all States
type: array of json | IState
"name": "Delhi",
"isoCode": "DL",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "28.70405920",
"longitude": "77.10249020"
It returns all Cities
type: array of json | ICity
"name": "Delhi",
"isoCode": "DL",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "28.70405920",
"longitude": "77.10249020"
@baywet - For mentoring Javascript to Typescript Conversion
@dr5hn - For updated World Data Dictionary
taylorthurlow - For pointing into right direction - Module Tree Shaking