Boilerplate to give you a headstart of developing your own desktop application.
1) Electron Framework.
2) Node Javascript.
3) Vanilla Javascript.
4) HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap
2) SQLite
Choosing a database to use is upon your preference. Both works fine. SQLite can be used on both local machine memory or be created on the root folder of the project.
More Databases to be Implemented here sooner or later.
To get started is simply understanding how to contribute and run the application on a local machine.
The following is needed before running the application. You just need to install the following on your machine:
- Node, to download use link,
- Git, to download use link,
After installations are complete, do some setups of git setups. Use the below link to get your setups done:
The following are the prerequisites to use:
- git clone -b main or Download a zip file using,
- Move your project to the directory of your preference.
- Open the project in your IDE of preference. Recommended one is; Visual Studio Code (VsCode).
- Create .env file on the root folder.
- Open .env-example and copy the it's contents to created .env file
- Set the Required environment variables correctly.
The database is upon on your preference.
7) Do the following:
> SQLite:
To use SQLite database, On .env file, set DB_CONNECTION as "sqlite" and DB_NAME your
name of preference.
To use MYSQL database, On .env file, set DB_CONNECTION as "mysql" and DB_NAME your
name of preference
To run your application after doing the above, Is simple as:
:\>cd project_directory
:\>npm install
:\>npm start
This simply entails how the application is made and the MVC archtechture to be precise.
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Feel free to push pull requests and They will be merged if acceptable.
Ready to file an issue? Well, Get it posted and it will be curated and get sorted. Critics are also accepted.
Excoriations needs to be in the code context. More than that, will be rejected.
Thank you.