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Official Go SDK for Stream Feeds

Official Go API client for Stream Feeds, a service for building applications with activity feeds.
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🚨 Breaking change in v7.0 <

From version 7.0.0, all methods' first argument is context.Context. The reason is that we internally changed http.NewRequest() to http.NewRequestWithContext() so that it's easier to handle cancellations, timeouts and deadlines for our users.

About Stream

stream-go2 is a Go client for Stream Feeds API.

You can sign up for a Stream account at our Get Started page.

You can use this library to access chat API endpoints server-side.

For the client-side integrations (web and mobile) have a look at the JavaScript, iOS and Android SDK libraries (docs).

đź’ˇ Note: this is a library for the Feeds product. The Chat SDKs can be found here.

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Get the client:

$ go get

For v4, use but updating to the last version is highly recommended.

Creating a Client

import stream ""

key := "YOUR_API_KEY"
secret := "YOUR_API_SECRET"

client, err := stream.New(key, secret)
if err != nil {
    // ...

You can pass additional options when creating a client using the available ClientOption functions:

client, err := stream.NewClient(key, secret,
    stream.WithTimeout(5 * time.Second),

You can also create a client using environment variables:

client, err := stream.NewFromEnv()

Available environment variables:


Rate Limits

API has different rate limits for each distinct endpoint and this information is returned to the client in response headers and SDK parses headers into Rate type.

This info is provided to the user in 2 ways:

  • in responses; resp, _ := feed.GetActivities; resp.Rate.
  • in errors; if request doesn't succeed then error is a type of APIError and headers are accessible via err.(APIError).Rate.

Creating a Feed

Create a flat feed from slug and user ID:

flat, err := client.FlatFeed("user", "123")

Create an aggregated feed from slug and user ID:

aggr, err := client.AggregatedFeed("aggregated", "123")

Create a notification feed from slug and user ID:

notif, err := client.NotificationFeed("notification", "123")

Flat, aggregated, and notification feeds implement the Feed interface methods.

In the snippets below, feed indicates any kind of feed, while flat, aggregated, and notification are used to indicate that only that kind of feed has certain methods or can perform certain operations.

Retrieving activities

Flat feeds

resp, err := flat.GetActivities()
if err != nil {
    // ...

fmt.Println("Duration:", resp.Duration)
fmt.Println("Rate:", resp.Rate)
fmt.Println("Next:", resp.Next)
for _, activity := range resp.Results {

You can retrieve flat feeds with custom ranking, using the dedicated method:

resp, err := flat.GetActivitiesWithRanking(ctx, "popularity")
if err != nil {
    // ...

Aggregated feeds

resp, err := aggregated.GetActivities(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // ...

fmt.Println("Duration:", resp.Duration)
fmt.Println("Rate:", resp.Rate)
fmt.Println("Next:", resp.Next)
for _, group := range resp.Results {
    fmt.Println("Group:", group.Name, "ID:", group.ID, "Verb:", group.Verb)
    fmt.Println("Activities:", group.ActivityCount, "Actors:", group.ActorCount)
    for _, activity := range group.Activities {
        // ...

Notification feeds

resp, err := notification.GetActivities(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // ...

fmt.Println("Duration:", resp.Duration)
fmt.Println("Rate:", resp.Rate)
fmt.Println("Next:", resp.Next)
fmt.Println("Unseen:", resp.Unseen, "Unread:", resp.Unread)
for _, group := range resp.Results {
    fmt.Println("Group:", group.Group, "ID:", group.ID, "Verb:", group.Verb)
    fmt.Println("Seen:", group.IsSeen, "Read:", group.IsRead)
    fmt.Println("Activities:", group.ActivityCount, "Actors:", group.ActorCount)
    for _, activity := range group.Activities {
        // ...


You can pass supported options and filters when retrieving activities:

resp, err := flat.GetActivities(

Adding activities

Add a single activity:

resp, err := feed.AddActivity(ctx, stream.Activity{Actor: "bob", ...})
if err != nil {
    // ...

fmt.Println("Duration:", resp.Duration)
fmt.Println("Rate:", resp.Rate)
fmt.Println("Activity:", resp.Activity) // resp wraps the stream.Activity type

Add multiple activities:

a1 := stream.Activity{Actor: "bob", ...}
a2 := stream.Activity{Actor: "john", ...}
a3 := stream.Activity{Actor: "alice", ...}

resp, err := feed.AddActivities(ctx, a1, a2, a3)
if err != nil {
    // ...

fmt.Println("Duration:", resp.Duration)
fmt.Println("Rate:", resp.Rate)
for _, activity := range resp.Activities {

Updating activities

_, err := feed.UpdateActivities(ctx, a1, a2, ...)
if err != nil {
    // ...

Partially updating activities

You can partial update activities identified either by ID:

changesetA := stream.NewUpdateActivityRequestByID("f505b3fb-a212-11e7-...", map[string]any{"key": "new-value"}, []string{"removed", "keys"})
changesetB := stream.NewUpdateActivityRequestByID("f707b3fb-a212-11e7-...", map[string]any{"key": "new-value"}, []string{"removed", "keys"})
resp, err := client.PartialUpdateActivities(ctx, changesetA, changesetB)
if err != nil {
    // ...

or by a ForeignID and timestamp pair:

changesetA := stream.NewUpdateActivityRequestByForeignID("dothings:1", stream.Time{...}, map[string]any{"key": "new-value"}, []string{"removed", "keys"})
changesetB := stream.NewUpdateActivityRequestByForeignID("dothings:2", stream.Time{...}, map[string]any{"key": "new-value"}, []string{"removed", "keys"})
resp, err := client.PartialUpdateActivities(ctx, changesetA, changesetB)
if err != nil {
    // ...

Removing activities

You can either remove activities by ID or ForeignID:

_, err := feed.RemoveActivityByID(ctx, "f505b3fb-a212-11e7-...")
if err != nil {
    // ...

_, err := feed.RemoveActivityByForeignID(ctx, "bob:123")
if err != nil {
    // ...

Following another feed

_, err := feed.Follow(ctx, anotherFeed)
if err != nil {
    // ...

Beware that it's possible to follow only flat feeds.


You can pass options to the Follow method. For example:

_, err := feed.Follow(ctx,

Retrieving followers and followings


Get the feeds that a feed is following:

resp, err := feed.GetFollowing(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // ...

fmt.Println("Duration:", resp.Duration)
for _, followed := range resp.Results {
    fmt.Println(followed.FeedID, followed.TargetID)

You can pass options to GetFollowing:

resp, err := feed.GetFollowing(


resp, err := flat.GetFollowers(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // ...

fmt.Println("Duration:", resp.Duration)
fmt.Println("Rate:", resp.Rate)
for _, follower := range resp.Results {
    fmt.Println(follower.FeedID, follower.TargetID)

Note: this is only possible for FlatFeed types.

You can pass options to GetFollowers:

resp, err := feed.GetFollowing(

Unfollowing a feed

_, err := flat.Unfollow(ctx, anotherFeed)
if err != nil {
    // ...

You can pass options to Unfollow:

_, err := flat.Unfollow(ctx,

Updating an activity's to targets

Remove all old targets and set new ones (replace):

newTargets := []stream.Feed{f1, f2}

_, err := feed.UpdateToTargets(ctx, activity, stream.WithToTargetsNew(newTargets...))
if err != nil {
    // ...

Add some targets and remove some others:

add := []stream.Feed{target1, target2}
remove := []stream.Feed{oldTarget1, oldTarget2}

_, err := feed.UpdateToTargets(
if err != nil {
    // ...

Note: you can't mix stream.WithToTargetsNew with stream.WithToTargetsAdd or stream.WithToTargetsRemove.

Batch adding activities

You can add the same activities to multiple feeds at once with the (*Client).AddToMany method (docs):

_, err := client.AddToMany(ctx,
    activity, feed1, feed2, ...,
if err != nil {
    // ...

Batch creating follows

You can create multiple follow relationships at once with the (*Client).FollowMany method (docs):

relationships := []stream.FollowRelationship{
    stream.NewFollowRelationship(source, target),

_, err := client.FollowMany(ctx, relationships)
if err != nil {
    // ...

Realtime tokens

You can get a token suitable for client-side real-time feed updates as:

// Read+Write token
token := feed.RealtimeToken(false)

// Read-only token
readonlyToken := feed.RealtimeToken(true)


If your app is enabled for analytics collection you can use the Go client to track events. The main documentation for the analytics features is available in our Docs page.

Obtaining an Analytics client

You can obtain a specialized Analytics client (*stream.AnalyticsClient) from a regular client, which you can use to track events:

// Create the client
analytics := client.Analytics()

Tracking engagement

Engagement events can be tracked with the TrackEngagement method of AnalyticsClient. It accepts any number of EngagementEvents.

Events' syntax is not checked by the client, so be sure to follow our documentation about it.

Events are simple maps, but the stream package offers handy helpers to populate such events easily.

// Create the event
event := stream.EngagementEvent{}.
        stream.NewEventFeature("color", "blue"),
        stream.NewEventFeature("shape", "rectangle"),

// Track the event(s)
_, err := analytics.TrackEngagement(ctx, event)
if err != nil {
    // ...

Tracking impressions

Impression events can be tracked with the TrackImpression method of AnalyticsClient (syntax docs):

// Create the impression events
imp := stream.ImpressionEventData{}.
    WithForeignIDs("product:1", "product:2", "product:3").

// Track the events
_, err := analytics.TrackImpression(ctx, imp)
if err != nil {
    // ...

Email tracking

You can generate URLs to track events and redirect to a specific URL with the RedirectAndTrack method of AnalyticsClient (syntax docs). It accepts any number of engagement and impression events:

// Create the events
engagement := stream.EngagementEvent{}.
        stream.NewEventFeature("color", "blue"),
        stream.NewEventFeature("shape", "rectangle"),

impressions := stream.ImpressionEventData{}.
    WithForeignIDs("product:1", "product:2", "product:3").

// Generate the tracking and redirect URL, which once followed
// will redirect the user to the targetURL.
targetURL := ""
url, err := analytics.RedirectAndTrack(targetURL, engagement, impression)
if err != nil {
    // ...

// Display the obtained url where needed.


Personalization endpoints for enabled apps can be reached using a PersonalizationClient, a specialized client obtained with the Personalization() function of a regular Client.

personalization := client.Personalization()

The PersonalizationClient exposes three functions that you can use to retrieve and manipulate data: Get, Post, and Delete.

For example, to retrieve follow recommendations:

// Get follow recommendations
data := map[string]any{
    "user_id":          123,
    "source_feed_slug": "timeline",
    "target_feed_slug": "user",
resp, err = personalization.Get(ctx, "follow_recommendations", data)
if err != nil {
    // ...

See the complete docs and examples about personalization features on Stream's documentation pages.


Collections endpoints can be reached using a specialized CollectionsClient which, like PersonalizationClient, can be obtained from a regular Client:

collections := client.Collections()

CollectionsClient exposes three batch functions, Upsert, Select, and DeleteMany as well as CRUD functions: Add, Get, Update, Delete:

// Upsert the "picture" collection
object := stream.CollectionObject{
    ID:   "123",
    Data: map[string]any{
        "name": "Rocky Mountains",
        "location": "North America",
_, err = collections.Upsert(ctx, "picture", object)
if err != nil {
    // ...

// Get the data from the "picture" collection for ID "123" and "456"
objects, err := collections.Select(ctx, "picture", "123", "456")
if err != nil {
    // ...

// Delete the data from the "picture" collection for picture with ID "123"
_, err = collections.Delete(ctx, "picture", "123")
if err != nil {
    // ...

// Get a single collection object from the "pictures" collection with ID "123"
_, err = collections.Get(ctx, "pictures", "123")
if err != nil {
    // ...

See the complete docs and examples about collections on Stream's documentation pages.


Users endpoints can be reached using a specialized UsersClient which, like CollectionsClient, can be obtained from a regular Client:

users := client.Users()

UsersClient exposes CRUD functions: Add, Get, Update, Delete:

user := stream.User{
    ID: "123",
    Data: map[string]any{
        "name": "Bobby Tables",

insertedUser, err := users.Add(ctx, user, false)
if err != nil {
    // ...

newUserData :=map[string]any{
    "name": "Bobby Tables",
    "age": 7,

updatedUser, err := users.Update(ctx, "123", newUserData)
if err != nil {
    // ...

_, err = users.Delete(ctx, "123")
if err != nil {
    // ...

See the complete docs and examples about users on Stream's documentation pages.


Reactions endpoints can be reached using a specialized Reactions which, like CollectionsClient, can be obtained from a regular Client:

reactions := client.Reactions()

Reactions exposes CRUD functions: Add, Get, Update, Delete, as well as two specialized functions AddChild and Filter:

r := stream.AddReactionRequestObject{
    Kind: "comment",
    UserID: "123",
    ActivityID: "87a9eec0-fd5f-11e8-8080-80013fed2f5b",
    Data: map[string]any{
        "text": "Nice post!!",
    TargetFeeds: []string{"user:bob", "timeline:alice"},

comment, err := reactions.Add(ctx, r)
if err != nil {
    // ...

like := stream.AddReactionRequestObject{
    Kind: "like",
    UserID: "456",

childReaction, err := reactions.AddChild(ctx, comment.ID, like)
if err != nil {
    // ...

// If we fetch the "comment" reaction now, it will have the child reaction(s) present.
parent, err := reactions.Get(ctx, comment.ID)
if err != nil {
    // ...

for kind, children := range parent.ChildrenReactions {
    // child reactions are grouped by kind

// update the target feeds for the `comment` reaction
updatedReaction, err := reactions.Update(ctx, comment.ID, nil, []string{"timeline:jeff"})
if err != nil {
    // ...

// get all reactions for the activity "87a9eec0-fd5f-11e8-8080-80013fed2f5b",
// paginated 5 at a time, including the activity data
response, err := reactions.Filter(ctx,
if err != nil {
    // ...

// since we requested the activity, it will be present in the response

for _, reaction := range response.Results{
    // do something for each reaction

//get the next page of reactions
response, err = reactions.GetNextPageFilteredReactions(ctx, response)
if err != nil {
    // ...

// get all likes by user "123"
response, err = reactions.Filter(ctx, stream.ByUserID("123").ByKind("like"))
if err != nil {
    // ...

See the complete docs and examples about reactions on Stream's documentation pages.


Enrichment is a way of retrieving activities from feeds in which references to Users and Collections will be replaced with the corresponding objects

FlatFeed, AggregatedFeed and NotificationFeed each have a GetEnrichedActivities function to retrieve enriched activities.

u := stream.User{
    ID: "123",
    Data: map[string]any{
        "name": "Bobby Tables",

// We add a user
user, err := client.Users().Add(ctx, u, true)
if err != nil {
    // ...

c := stream.CollectionObject{
    ID: "123",
    Data: map[string]any{
        "name":     "Rocky Mountains",
        "location": "North America",

// We add a collection object
collectionObject, err := client.Collections().Add(ctx, "picture", c)
if err != nil {
    // ...

act := stream.Activity{
    Time:      stream.Time{Time: time.Now()},
    Actor:     client.Users().CreateReference(user.ID),
    Verb:      "post",
    Object:    client.Collections().CreateReference("picture", collectionObject.ID),
    ForeignID: "picture:1",

// We add the activity to the user's feed
feed, _ := client.FlatFeed("user", "123")
_, err = feed.AddActivity(ctx, act)
if err != nil {
    // ...

result, err := feed.GetActivities(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // ...
fmt.Println(result.Results[0].Actor) // Will output the user reference
fmt.Println(result.Results[0].Object) // Will output the collection reference

enrichedResult, err := feed.GetEnrichedActivities(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // ...
fmt.Println(enrichedResult.Results[0]["actor"].(map[string]any)) // Will output the user object
fmt.Println(enrichedResult.Results[0]["object"].(map[string]any)) // Will output the collection object

See the complete docs and examples about enrichment on Stream's documentation pages.


Project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause.

We are hiring!

We've recently closed a $38 million Series B funding round and we keep actively growing. Our APIs are used by more than a billion end-users, and you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world.

Check out our current openings and apply via Stream's website.