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c++ serialize and deserialize adaptor library like rust


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Serdepp Linux Windows MacOScodecov

c++17 low cost serialize deserialize adaptor library like rust


  • low cost serializer, deserializer adaptor
  • json serialize, deserialize (with rapidjson)
  • json serialize, deserialize (with nlohmann_json)
  • toml serialize, deserialize (with toml11)
  • yaml serialize, deserialize (with yaml-cpp)
  • fmt support
  • std::cout(ostream) support
  • struct, class support
  • nested struct, class support
  • enum, enum_class support (with magic_enum)
  • optional support
  • container support (sequence(like vector, list), map(map, unordered_map ...))
  • attributes and custom attribute support (value_or_struct, default, multi_key ...)
  • variant support (std::variant<int, std::vector<...>, UserType, EnumType...>) example
  • pointer support (T*, std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr)
  • reflection support

Serdepp Strcuture

Serdepp structure

Get Started

#include <serdepp/serde.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/nlohmann_json.hpp>

enum class t_enum { A, B };

struct example {
                 (&Self::number_,  "number") // attribute skip
                 (&Self::vec_,     "vec") 
                 (&Self::opt_vec_, "opt_vec")
                 (&Self::tenum_,   "t_enum")
                 //.no_remain() optional: if have unregisted data -> Exception
    int number_;
    std::vector<std::string> vec_;
    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> opt_vec_;
    t_enum tenum_;

int main() {
    example ex;
    ex.number_ = 1024;
 ex.vec_ = {"a", "b", "c"};
    ex.tenum_ = t_enum::B;
    //std::cout << ex << "\n";

    nlohmann::json json_from_ex = serde::serialize<nlohmann::json>(ex);
    example ex_from_json = serde::deserialize<example>(json_from_ex);

    std::cout << "json: " << json_from_ex.dump(4) << "\n";

/* Result
    "t_enum": "B",
    "vec": [
fmt:{"vec: {"a", "b", "c"}", "t_enum: B"}


  • nameof (Auto Install)
  • magic_enum (Auto Install)
  • fmt (optional) (Install CMAKE FLAG: -DSERDEPP_USE_FMT=ON)
  • nlohmann_json (optional) (Install CMAKE FLAG: -DSERDEPP_USE_NLOHMANN_JSON=ON)
  • rapidjson (optional) (Install CMAKE FLAG: -DSERDEPP_USE_RAPIDJSON=ON)
  • toml11 (optional) (Install CMAKE FLAG: -DSERDEPP_USE_TOML11=ON)
  • yaml-cpp (optional) (Install CMAKE FLAG: -DSERDEPP_USE_YAML-CPP=ON)

Install With Vcpkg

vcpkg install serdepp
# with other adaptors <nlohmann-json|toml11|yaml-cpp|fmt|rapidjson>
vcpkg install ${adaptor}

CMake With Vcpkg

find_package(serdepp CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(${target name} PRIVATE serdepp::serdepp)
# with adaptors
# names   (nlohmann_json,                yaml-cpp, toml11,         RapidJson, fmt)
# targets (nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json, yaml-cpp, toml11::toml11, rapidjson, fmt::fmt-header-only)
find_package(${adaptor name} CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(${target name} PRIVATE ${adaptor cmake target})


cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release --target install


cd build
cmake --build . --config Release --target uninstall


target_link_libraries({target name} PUBLIC serdepp::serdepp)


  • minimum compiler version clang-8, gcc-10

Basic Usage

#include "serdepp/serde.hpp"
#include "serdepp/adaptor/rapidjson.hpp"
#include "serdepp/adaptor/nlohmann_json.hpp"
#include "serdepp/adaptor/yaml-cpp.hpp"
#include "serdepp/adaptor/toml11.hpp"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int num = 1; 

    auto rjson = serde::serialize<rapidjson::Document>(num);
    auto json = serde::serialize<nlohmann::json>(num);
    auto yaml = serde::serialize<YAML::Node>(num);
    auto toml = serde::serialize<toml::value>(num);

    int from_rjson = serde::deserialize<int>(rjson);
    int from_json  = serde::deserialize<int>(json);
    int from_toml  = serde::deserialize<int>(toml);
    int from_yaml  = serde::deserialize<int>(yaml);

    auto rjson_from_file = serde::parse_file<rapidjson::Document>("test.json");
    auto json_from_file  = serde::parse_file<nlohmann::json>("test.json");
    auto toml_from_file  = serde::parse_file<toml::value>("test.toml");
    auto yaml_from_file  = serde::parse_file<YAML::Node>("test.yaml");
    return 0;

Define Struct Serializer

#include <serdepp/serializer.hpp>
class test {
    template<class Context>
    constexpr static void serde(Context& context, test& value) {
        using Self = test;
        serde::serde_struct(context, value)
            (&Self::str, "str")  // or .field(&Self::str, "str")
            (&Self::i,   "i")    // or .field(&Self::i , "i")
            (&Self::vec, "vec"); // or .field(&Self::vec, "vec")
    std::string str;
    int i;
    std::vector<std::string> vec;

Macro Version

#include <serdepp/serializer.hpp>
class test {
    DERIVE_SERDE(test, (&Self::str, "str")(&Self::i, "i")(&Self::vec, "vec"))
    std::string str;
    int i;
    std::vector<std::string> vec;

Custom Serializer

struct Test {
    int i = 0;

template<typename serde_ctx>
    struct serde_serializer<Test, serde_ctx  /*, SFINE*/> {
    // serialize step
    constexpr inline static auto from(serde_ctx& ctx, Test& data, std::string_view key) {
        // serialize int -> Test
        serde_adaptor<typename serde_ctx::Adaptor, int>::from(ctx.adaptor, key, data.i);

    // deserialize step
    constexpr inline static auto into(serde_ctx& ctx, const Test& data, std::string_view key) {
        // deserialize  Test -> int
        serde_adaptor<typename serde_ctx::Adaptor, int>::into(ctx.adaptor, key, data.i);
#include <serdepp/adaptor/reflection.hpp>
#include <serdepp/serde.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/reflection.hpp>

struct A {
    DERIVE_SERDE(A, (&Self::a, "a")
                    (&Self::b, "b")
                    (&Self::c, "c")
                    (&Self::d, "d")
                    (&Self::e, "e"))
    int a;
    std::string b;
    double c;
    std::vector<int> d;
    int e;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    constexpr auto info = serde::type_info<A>;
    static_assert(serde::type_info<A>.size == 5);
    static_assert(serde::tuple_size_v<A> == 5);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<serde::to_tuple_t<A>, std::tuple<int, std::string, double, std::vector<int>, int>>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<int, std::tuple_element_t<0, serde::to_tuple_t<A>>>);
    constexpr std::string_view a_name =;

    auto a = A{1, "hello", 3.};

    auto to_tuple = serde::make_tuple(a);

    std::string& member_a = info.member<1>(a);
    member_a = "why";

    double& member_b_info = info.member<double>(a, "c");
    member_b_info = 3.14;

    auto member_d_info = info.member_info<3>(a);
    std::string_view member_d_name =;
    std::vector<int>& member_d = member_d_info.value();

    auto names = info.member_names();
    for(auto& name : names.members()) {
        std::cout << name << "\n";

    return 0;
#include <serdepp/serializer.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/nlohmann_json.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/toml11.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/yaml-cpp.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/fmt.hpp>

using namespace serde::ostream;

enum class tenum {

class test {
    template<class Context>
    constexpr static auto serde(Context& context, test& value) {
        using Self = test;
        serde::serde_struct(context, value)
            .field(&Self::str, "str") // or (&test::str, "str")
            .field(&Self::i,   "i")
            .field(&Self::vec, "vec")
            .field(&Self::io,  "io")
            .field(&Self::pri, "pri")
            .field(&Self::m ,  "m");
    std::optional<std::string> str;
    int i;
    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> vec;
    tenum io;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> m;
    std::string pri;

int main()
    nlohmann::json v = R"({
    "i": 10,
    "vec": [ "one", "two", "three" ],
    "io": "INPUT",
    "pri" : "pri",
    "m" : { "a" : "1",
            "b" : "2",
            "c" : "3" }

    test t = serde::deserialize<test>(v);

    auto v_to_json = serde::serialize<nlohmann::json>(t);
    auto v_to_toml = serde::serialize<serde::toml_v>(t);
    auto v_to_yaml = serde::serialize<serde::yaml>(t);

    test t_from_toml = serde::deserialize<test>(v_to_toml);
    test t_from_yaml = serde::deserialize<test>(v_to_yaml);

    fmt::print("{}\n", t);
    std::cout << t << '\n';

  return 0;
#include <serdepp/serializer.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/nlohmann_json.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/toml11.hpp>
#include <serdepp/adaptor/fmt.hpp>
#include <serdepp/attributes.hpp>

/// optional beta feature (for std::cout)
#include <serdepp/ostream.hpp>
using namespace serde::ostream; 

enum class tenum {
    INPUT  = 1,
    OUTPUT = 2,

struct nested {
            (&nested::version, "version") // value_or_struct attribute
            [attributes(default_{"default value"})]
            (&nested::desc ,"desc") // serialize step set default value
    std::string version;
    std::string desc;
    std::optional<std::string> opt_desc = "set opt default";

class test {
    template<class Context>
    constexpr static auto serde(Context& context, test& value) {
        serde::serde_struct(context, value)
            .field(&test::str, "str")
            .field(&test::i,   "i")
            .field(&test::vec, "vec")
            .field(&test::io,  "io")
            .field(&test::in,  "in")
            .field(&test::pri, "pri")
            .field(&test::m ,  "m")
            .field(&test::nm , "nm")
    std::optional<std::string> str;
    int i;
    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> vec;
    tenum io;

    std::vector<nested> in;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> m;
    std::map<std::string, nested> nm;
    std::string pri;

int main()
  try {
    nlohmann::json v = R"({
    "i": 10,
    "vec": [ "one", "two", "three" ],
    "io": "INPUT",
    "pri" : "pri",
    "in" : [{ "version" : "hello" }, "single"],
    "m" : { "a" : "1",
            "b" : "2",
            "c" : "3" },
    "nm" : { "a" : {"version" : "hello" },
            "b" : "hello2" }

    // nlohmann::json -> class(test)
    test t = serde::deserialize<test>(v);

    // class(test) -> nlohmann::json 
    auto v_to_json = serde::serialize<nlohmann::json>(t);

    // class(test) -> toml11 
    auto v_to_toml = serde::serialize<serde::toml_v>(t);

    // class(test) -> yaml-cpp
    auto v_to_yaml = serde::serialize<serde::yaml>(t);

    // nlohmann::json -> string
    fmt::print("json: {}\n", v_to_json.dump());

    // toml11 -> string
    std::cout << "toml: " << v_to_toml << std::endl;

    // yaml-cpp -> string
    std::cout << "yaml: " << v_to_yaml << std::endl;

    // toml11 -> class(test)
    test t_from_toml = serde::deserialize<test>(v_to_toml);

    // yaml-cpp -> class(test)
    test t_from_yaml = serde::deserialize<test>(v_to_yaml);

    // class(test) -> string
    fmt::print("{}\n", t);

    // beta feature
    // need: #include <erdepp/ostream.hpp>
    // need: using namespace serdepp::ostream;
    // class(test) -> string
    std:cout << t << '\n';

    } catch(std::exception& e) {

  return 0;

3 Way make optional container field

  1. with default_
    • if empty in serialize step -> set std::vector<std::string>{}
    • if empty in deserialize step -> set null, ex json: "vec" : null
  2. with optional
    • if empty in serialize step -> set std::nullopt
    • if empty in deserialize step -> skip
  3. with make_optional
    • if empty in serialize step -> set std::vector<std::string>{}
    • if empty in deserialize step -> skip
struct attribute_example {
                 [attributes(default_<std::vector<std::string>>{{}})] // 1
                 (&Self::vec, "vec") .
                 (&Self::vec_opt, "vec_opt")       // 2.
                 [attributes(make_optional)] // 3.
                 (&Self::vec_attr_opt, "vec_attr_opt")
    std::vector<std::string> ver;
    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> vec_opt;
    std::vector<std::string> ver_att_opt;


Two Way of Attributes add


struct attribute_example {
                 (&nested::version, "version", value_or_struct, default_("0.0.1"))) 

    std::string version;

with syntax suger (Recommanded)

struct attribute_example {
                 [attributes(value_or_struct, default_("0.0.1"))]
                 (&nested::version, "version")) 

    std::string version;


struct attribute_example {
    template<class Context>
    constexpr static auto serde(Context& context, nested& value) {
        using namespace serde::attribute;
        serde::serde_struct(context, value)
            .field(&nested::version, "version", value_or_struct);
    std::string version;


support tree type default value serializer

  1. Type with Attribute default_
  2. std::optional Type with default
  3. std::optional Type with Attribute default_
struct attribute_example {
    template<class Context>
    constexpr static auto serde(Context& context, attribute_example& value) {
        using namespace serde::attribute;
        using Self = attribute_example;
        serde::serde_struct(context, value)
            .field(&Self::ver, "ver", default_{"0.0.1"}) // 1.
            .field(&Self::ver_opt, "ver_opt")               // 2.
            .field(&Self::ver_opt_default, "ver_opt_default", default_{"0.0.1"}); // 3.
    std::string version;
    std::optional<std::string> ver_opt = "-1.0.1";
    std::optional<std::string> ver_opt_att_default;

toupper or tolower

enum class u_enum {
    INPUT ,

enum class l_enum {
    input ,

struct attribute_example {
    template<class Context>
    constexpr static auto serde(Context& context, attribute_example& value) {
        using namespace serde::attribute;
        using Self = attribute_example;
        serde::serde_struct(context, value)
        // serialize:   input        -> INPUT -> uenum::INPUT
        // deserialize: uenum::INPUT -> INPUT -> input
            .field(&Self::test_uenum, "uenum", to_upper) 
        // serialize:   INPUT        -> input -> uenum::input
        // deserialize: uenum::input -> input -> INPUT
            .field(&Self::test_lenum, "lenum", to_lower);
    u_enum test_uenum;
    l_enum test_lenum;


  • c++ container make like optional type
  • if empty in serialize step -> set std::vector<std::string>{}
  • if empty in deserialize step -> not set
struct attribute_example {
    template<class Context>
    constexpr static auto serde(Context& context, attribute_example& value) {
        using namespace serde::attribute;
        using Self = attribute_example;
        serde::serde_struct(context, value)
            .field(&Self::vec, "vec", make_optional);  // 3.
    std::vector<std::string> ver;
  • multi_key{...str}
    • description: multiple key
    • args: initialize_liststd::string_view
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", mutli_key{"key2", "key3"})
  • skip
    • description: skip serialize, deserialize step
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", skip)
  • skip_de
    • description: skip deserialize step
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", skip_de)
  • skip_se
    • description: skip serialize step
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", skip_se)
  • to_upper
    • description: enum or string -> upper, upper string -> lower enum or string
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", to_upper) Enum::test -> TEST -> Enum::test
  • to_lower
    • description: enum or string -> lower, lower string -> upper enum or string
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", to_lower) Enum::TEST -> test -> Enum::test
  • under_to_dash
    • description: enum or string -> _ -> - , - -> _ enum or string
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", under_to_dash) Enum::TEST_TEST -> TEST-TEST -> Enum::TEST_TEST
  • defualt_
    • description: parse like optional value
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", default_{"default value"}) if null -> set default
  • value_or_struct
    • description: parse struct or single value, require other field default_ or optional
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", value_or_struct) "T": "value" or "T" : { "key" : "value" }
  • flatten
    • description: parse struct flatten
    • example: (&Self::test, "key", flatten)
    • { "obj" : {"key" : "value", "key2" : "value"} } == { "key" : "value", "key2" : "value" }

Custom Attribute

1. Normal Attribute

// value_or_struct code in serde/attribute/value_or_struct.hpp
namespace serde::attribute {
    namespace detail {
        struct value_or_struct {
            //serialize step
            template<typename T, typename serde_ctx, typename Next, typename ...Attributes>
            constexpr inline void from(serde_ctx& ctx, T& data, std::string_view key,
                                        Next&& next_attr, Attributes&&... remains) {
                using Helper = serde_adaptor_helper<typename serde_ctx::Adaptor>;
                if(Helper::is_struct(ctx.adaptor)) {
                    next_attr.template from<T, serde_ctx>(ctx, data, key, remains...);
                } else {
                    next_attr.template from<T, serde_ctx>(ctx, data, "", remains...);

            //deserialize step
            template<typename T, typename serde_ctx, typename Next, typename ...Attributes> 
            constexpr inline void into(serde_ctx& ctx, const T& data, std::string_view key,
                                        Next&& next_attr, Attributes&&... remains) {
                next_attr.template into<T, serde_ctx>(ctx, data, key, remains...);
    constexpr static auto value_or_struct = value_or_struct{};

2. Args Attribute

// default_se code in serde/attribute/default.hpp
namespace serde::attribute {
    template<typename D>
    struct default_ {
        D&& default_value_;
        explicit default_(D&& default_value) noexcept : default_value_(std::move(default_value)) {}
        template<typename T, typename serde_ctx, typename Next, typename ...Attributes>
        constexpr inline void from(serde_ctx& ctx, T& data, std::string_view key,
                                   Next&& next_attr, Attributes&&... remains) {
            using Helper = serde_adaptor_helper<typename serde_ctx::Adaptor>;
            if(Helper::is_null(ctx.adaptor, key)) {
                data = std::move(default_value_);
            } else {
                next_attr.template from<T, serde_ctx>(ctx, data, key, remains...);

        template<typename T, typename serde_ctx, typename Next, typename ...Attributes>
        constexpr inline void into(serde_ctx& ctx, T& data, std::string_view key,
                                   Next&& next_attr, Attributes&&... remains) {
            next_attr.template into<T, serde_ctx>(ctx, data, key, remains...);
    // deduce guide
    template<typename D> default_(D&&) -> default_<D>;

Serdepp Type Declare Rule

Sequence Type

  • like vector , list,
  • require:
    • T.begin()
    • T.end()

Map Type

  • like map, unordered_map
  • require:
    • T::key_type
    • T::mapped_type
    • T.operator

Struct Type

  • require:
    • template void serde(Format& formst, T& value);


Benchmark Benchmark code

Running ./benchmark
Run on (12 X 2600 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32 KiB (x6)
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x6)
  L2 Unified 256 KiB (x6)
  L3 Unified 12288 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 2.52, 3.33, 3.15
Benchmark                        Time             CPU   Iterations
nljson_set_se_bench            475 ns          474 ns      1306580
nljson_set_nl_bench            475 ns          472 ns      1550961
nljson_get_se_bench           2536 ns         2529 ns       275437
nljson_get_nl_bench           2768 ns         2764 ns       255292
toml11_set_se_bench            470 ns          469 ns      1496340
toml11_set_tl_bench            486 ns          485 ns      1418454
toml11_get_se_bench           3582 ns         3575 ns       195280
toml11_get_tl_bench           4194 ns         4189 ns       166580
yaml_set_se_bench             2091 ns         2088 ns       332965
yaml_set_tl_bench             2439 ns         2435 ns       285903
yaml_get_se_bench            25643 ns        25584 ns        26873
yaml_get_tl_bench            30182 ns        30155 ns        23070
rapid_json_set_se_bench        398 ns          397 ns      1743184
rapid_json_get_se_bench       2099 ns         2096 ns       331971

Projects using this library

  • cppm: cross platform c++ package manager
  • cpcli: c++ command line parser


c++ serialize and deserialize adaptor library like rust







No packages published


  • C++ 65.9%
  • CMake 34.1%