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feature/orion This commit references ufs-community#96.
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Baseline script to create grids - 'grid', 'orog', and 'sfc_climo'
files - on Orion.
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GeorgeGayno-NOAA committed Apr 3, 2020
1 parent d32c607 commit 07ef1f4
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 0 deletions.
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions driver_scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@

#SBATCH -J fv3_grid_driver
#SBATCH -A fv3-cpu
#SBATCH --open-mode=truncate
#SBATCH -o log.fv3_grid_driver
#SBATCH -e log.fv3_grid_driver
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=24
#SBATCH -q debug
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00

# Driver script to create a cubic-sphere based model grid on Orion.
# Produces the following files (netcdf, each tile in separate file):
# 1) 'mosaic' and 'grid' files containing lat/lon and other
# records that describe the model grid.
# 2) 'oro' files containing land mask, terrain and gravity
# wave drag fields.
# 3) Surface climo fields, such as soil type, vegetation
# greenness and albedo.
# Note: The sfc_climo_gen program only runs with an
# mpi task count that is a multiple of six. This is
# an ESMF library requirement. Large grids may require
# tasks spread across multiple nodes. The orography code
# benefits from threads.
# To run, do the following:
# 1) Set "C" resolution, "res" - Example: res=96.
# 2) Set grid type ("gtype"). Valid choices are
# "uniform" - global uniform grid
# "stretch" - global stretched grid
# "nest" - global stretched grid with nest
# "regional" - stand-alone regional grid
# 3) For "stretch" and "nest" grids, set the stretching factor -
# "stretch_fac", and center lat/lon of highest resolution
# tile - "target_lat" and "target_lon".
# 4) For "nest" grids, set the refinement ratio - "refine_ratio",
# the starting/ending i/j index location within the parent
# tile - "istart_nest", "jstart_nest", "iend_nest", "jend_nest"
# 5) For "regional" grids, set the "halo". Default is three
# rows/columns.
# 6) Set working directory - TMPDIR - and path to the repository
# clone - home_dir.
# 7) Submit script: "sbatch $script".
# 8) All files will be placed in "out_dir".

set -x

. /apps/lmod/init/sh
module purge
module load intel/2020
module load impi/2020
module load netcdf/4.7.2
module list

# Set grid specs here.

export res=96
export gtype=regional # 'uniform', 'stretch', 'nest', or 'regional'

if [ $gtype = stretch ]; then
export stretch_fac=1.5 # Stretching factor for the grid
export target_lon=-97.5 # Center longitude of the highest resolution tile
export target_lat=35.5 # Center latitude of the highest resolution tile
elif [ $gtype = nest ] || [ $gtype = regional ]; then
export stretch_fac=1.5 # Stretching factor for the grid
export target_lon=-97.5 # Center longitude of the highest resolution tile
export target_lat=35.5 # Center latitude of the highest resolution tile
export refine_ratio=3 # The refinement ratio
export istart_nest=27 # Starting i-direction index of nest grid in parent tile supergrid
export jstart_nest=37 # Starting j-direction index of nest grid in parent tile supergrid
export iend_nest=166 # Ending i-direction index of nest grid in parent tile supergrid
export jend_nest=164 # Ending j-direction index of nest grid in parent tile supergrid
export halo=3 # Lateral boundary halo

# Check paths.
# home_dir - location of repository.
# TMPDIR - working directory.
# out_dir - where files will be placed upon completion.

export home_dir=$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/..
export TMPDIR=/work/noaa/stmp/$LOGNAME/fv3_grid.$gtype
export out_dir=/work/noaa/stmp/$LOGNAME/C${res}

# Should not need to change anything below here.

export APRUN=time
export APRUN_SFC=srun
export OMP_STACKSIZE=2048m
export machine=ORION

ulimit -a
ulimit -s 199000000

# Start script.



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