Combine 2d sdf primitives with smooth operator to sculpt your shape
- Primitives : disc, triangle, oriented box, ellipse, pie, arc, spline, capsule
- Primitive can be rounded, rendered with outline
- Boolean operator : union, substraction, smooth blend
- Intuitive editor, undo support, grid snapping, copy/paste, rotation, scaling
- Load/save, export to shadertoy
- Everything is rendered with just one drawcall
- Primitives are binned per tile on the GPU, you don't pay the cost of far away primitives (as you do with your typical shadertoy shader)
- Pixels are written once, alpha blending is done in the shader (a.k.a free alpha blending)
- Anti-aliasing based on sdf
Find more details in the the documentation of the renderer
- Primitive animation
- More export options (PNG, sprite for in-house engine)
- Better user experience
- More primitives, more options
- a macOS dev environment (xcode tools)
- glfw (brew install glfw)
- cmake
- open a terminal in the folder
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
- cmake --build .
- ./ToodeeSculpt
It only has been tested on a M2 Max studio and a M1 Pro mac bookpro running macOS 14.x Currently, there is no plan to support another platform.
- commit mono font
- inigo quilez 2d sdf
- the bc4 encoder from stb_dxt.h
- the spline of biarcs code inspired by this paper
- color palettes from lospec website