In the Online Internship Portal System, I use Laravel Framework and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of the employer, students, and administrator. The online internship portal system has three modules i.e. Student, Employer and Admin.
This project is under development
This module provides administrator related functionalities. The administrator manages the entire application and maintains the profiles of applicants and employers.
Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view the total internship category, total employer, total candidates, and total job.
Internship Category: In this section, admin can manage internship category (add/update/delete).
List of Employer: In this section, admin can view the list of employers and see the detail of individual employers.
Reg Student: In this section, admin can view the list of students and see the detail of individual student.
Pages: In this section, admin can manage the about us and contact us and other website pages.
Reports: In this section admin can generate a report of how many employers and students register between two dates and then export it in excel file.
Search: In this section, admin can search a particular employer and students by company name and mobile number respectively.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password, and recover the password.
This module provides functionalities related to employers. Employers can post internships details and update the details as and when necessary. Employers can search student's resumes based on internships.
Internships: In this section, an employer can post the internship and manage the internships.
Students List: In this section, the employer can view the list of applied students, view their profile, linkedin profile and shortlist and reject their application.
Reports: In this section employers can view how many candidates apply for a internship in particular periods.
Employers can also update his profile, change the password, and forget the password at login time.
Home: In this section, students can view internshps which is posted by an employer and apply for those internships.
Applied Internships: In this section, students can view the list of applied internships.
Shortlisted Internships: In this section, students can view the list of shortlisted internships.
Profile: In this section, student can update their profile and resumes, change the password, and forget the password at login time.
- Website Template Job Hunt by Creative Layers
- Admin Template Focus by ThemeFisher
Resources used only for learning purpose.
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