1164 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
Release v0.8.0 (2022/12/30)
- π Eighth minor release of PyGMT π
- Added support for tab auto-completion for all GMT default parameters (#2213)
- Created functions to download GMT remote datasets (#1786)
- Wrapped the ternary module (#1431)
- Added an intro tutorial for creating contour maps (#2126)
New Features
- Add load_earth_free_air_anomaly function for Earth free-air anomaly dataset (#2238)
- Add load_earth_geoid function for Earth Geoid dataset (#2236)
- Add load_earth_magnetic_anomaly function for Earth magnetic anomaly dataset (#2196, #2239, #2241)
- Add load_earth_vertical_gravity_gradient function for Earth vertical gravity gradient dataset (#2240)
- load_earth_relief: Add the support of data sources "gebco" , "gebcosi", and "synbath" (#1818, #2162, #2192, #2281)
- Wrap ternary (#1431)
- Set gridline (if available) as the default grid registration for remote datasets (#2266)
- Add ternary sample dataset (#2211)
- Figure.ternary: Add parameters "alabel", "blabel", and "clabel" (#2139)
- Figure.psconvert: Add a new alias "gs_path" (-G) (#2076)
- Figure.psconvert: Check if the given prefix is valid (#2170)
- Figure.savefig: Raise a FileNotFoundError if the parent directory doesn't exist (#2160)
- Figure.show: Allow keyword arguments passed to Figure.psconvert (#2078)
- pygmt.config: Support tab auto-completion for all GMT defaults (#2213)
- Rewrite the meca function to support offsetting and labeling beachballs (#1784)
- Deprecate xshift (X) and yshift (Y) aliases from all plotting modules (remove in v0.12.0) (#2071)
- Figure.plot: Deprecate parameter "color" to "fill" (remove in v0.12.0) (#2177)
- Figure.plot3d: Deprecate parameter "color" to "fill" (remove in v0.12.0) (#2178)
- Figure.rose: Deprecate parameter color to fill (remove in v0.12.0) (#2181)
- Figure.velo: Deprecate parameters "color" to "fill" and "uncertaintycolor" to "uncertaintyfill" (remove in v0.12.0) (#2206)
- Figure.wiggle: Deprecate parameter "color" (remove in v0.12.0) and add "fillpositive"/"fillnegative" (#2205)
- Figure.psconvert: Remove the deprecated parameter "icc_gray" (deprecated since v0.6.0) (#2267)
- Figure.text: Deprecate parameter "incols" to "use_word" (remove in v0.10.0) (#1964)
Bug Fixes
- Figure.meca: Fix line and circle of offset parameter for dict/pandas input (#2226)
- Figure.meca: Fix beachball offsetting with dict/pandas inputs (#2202)
- Figure.meca: Fix the bug when passing a dict of scalar values to the spec parameter (#2174)
- Figure.ternary: Fix the crash for pd.DataFrame input with GMT 6.3.0-6.4.0 (#2274)
- Add intro tutorial section for creating contour map (#2126)
- Add gallery example for Figure.ternary method (#2138)
- Add gallery example showing the usage of vertical and horizontal bars (#1521)
- Add inline example for coast (#2142)
- Add inline example for grdcontour (#2148)
- Add inline example for grdimage (#2146)
- Add inline example for grd2cpt (#2145)
- Add inline example for solar (#2147)
- Add SciPy 2022 talk to presentations (#2053)
- Add instructions to install pygmt kernel for Jupyter users (#2153)
- Improve instructions about setting GMT_LIBRARY_PATH env variable (#2136)
- Add badges for conda package version, license, and twitter (#2081)
- Add PyOpenSci peer reviewed badge to main README.rst (#2112)
- Add an internal function to load GMT remote datasets (#2200)
- Add support for Python 3.11 (#2172)
- NEP29: Test PyGMT on NumPy 1.24 (#2256)
- NEP29: Test PyGMT on NumPy 1.23 and 1.21 (#2057)
- Bump the GMT version in CI to 6.4.0 (#1990)
- Update baseline images for GMT 6.4.0 (#1883)
- Migrate Continuous Documentation from Vercel to Readthedocs (#1859)
- Set nested_sections to False for Sphinx-Gallery 0.11.0 regarding a correct navgation bar (#2046)
- Convert bug report, feature, and module request issue templates into yaml configured forms (#2091, #2214, #2216)
- doc: Set different html_baseurl for stable and dev versions (#2158)
- Update the instructions for checking README syntax (#2265)
- Use longname placeholders in the docstrings for common options (#1932)
- Add optional dependencies to pyproject.toml (#2069)
- Migrate project metadata from setup.py to pyproject.toml following PEP621 (#1848)
- Move blackdoc options to pyproject.toml (#2093)
- Move docformatter options from Makefile to pyproject.toml (#2072)
- Replace flake8 with flakeheaven (#1847)
- Add a workflow and Makefile target to test old GMT versions every Tuesday (#2079)
- Check if a module outputs to a temporary file using "Path().stat().st_size > 0" (#2224)
- pygmt.show_versions: Show GMT binary version and hide the Python interpreter path (#1838)
- Refactor grdview and grdimage to use virtualfile_from_data (#1988)
- Use the org-wide code of conduct (#2020)