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I have spoken/ delivered talk or workshop at the following events:
JSFoo WebVR Workshop, Banglore India: HasGeek
Google I/O Extended Lucknow, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh:
Mozilla Festival 2016, London: Mozilla Festival
Google Developers Group Delhi, DevFest 2017, New Delhi : DevFest 2017 (MIX Track)
HasGeek, ReactFoo 2018, New Delhi : ReactFoo
Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Tachyon-2018, Bhopal M.P : Tachyon
CYIENT, Cyient Annual Technology Summit 2019, Hyderabad Telangana : CYIENT
Rajasthan Technical University, Faculty Development Workshop 2019, Udaipur Rajasthan : RTU
Amalitech GmBH, Germany and Ghana, Fireside Chat with Gordon and Shivang on Product LifeCycle and Design for Testing {Year 2020} : AmaliTech Recording
College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, HacktoberFest Opening Event, Talk on Open Source and AR/VR {Year 2020}:
You can contact me for any kind of technology/business consulting, Public Speaking, Webinars, Training Programs etc at your college, company or vendor.
- Twitter : @pandastichuman
- Facebook : Geekyshiva
- Instagram : particle_panda
- Email: [email protected]
- Contact Number: 9005639309
PS: Best way to connect with me is via Twitter or Email.
- Please read the slides before referring to the links given below.
- These links are Presenter Notes to refer after understanding the context in the workshop.
- VR Certification EDX
- Learn Aframe Here
- Udemy Learning series: Aframe WebVR
- Try VR here : Mozilla Hubs