Current ChatBot helps to record and follow budget spendings within a certain list of users. One bot manage only one circle of users - hence each users group shall create their own bot.
- Users record expenses and receive short/detailed reports
- Admin can edit user list, share admin rights, create tables in db
- Docker and GitHub actions is to be developed
Python, SQLight, (currently developing: Docker, GitHub Actions)
- Clone the repo
- Inside the project folder create new files: accountant.db,
Create the database file and afterwards data tables must be created inside(users, records) - either through admin section in TM after launching the bot or manualy.
Contains the bot token, received from BotFather like, admin id in Tm and a path to the database file (local path differs from the server one)
DB_FILE = 'accountant.db'
Launch the file
Work manual: Logging in under admin user enables ADMIN panel allowing tables creation inside the db file, add/delete users, share admin rights. Users can record expenses by secelting /add_expense button in bottom menu or see monthly report by choosing /report button. Expenses are categorized by preset buttons of inline menu. After choosing the category send expenses amount and comment, for example:
10.15 apples for dinner
After recording the expense bot will message the amount of money available to be spent this month.
Natalia Kirillova - author I'm glad to receive your questions or comments [email protected] Tm: @Gatitka5