This is an Photoshop script that automates the process of joining text files (.txt) with Photoshop files (.psd) in a batch manner. Each TXT line will generate an Text Box in Photoshop file with same name.
You can install this script following this steps:
Step 1: Save the script file in your photoshop script folder. [Example] C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Presets\Scripts
Step 2: Go to File > Scripts at Ribbon Menu and run this script
- Step 1: Create an action that run the script by File > Scripts > Browse...;
To usage this script you need to have at least one PSD file openned in Photoshop and a TXT file with same name in the same PSD folder.
This script works opening a ".txt" file with same name and folder that your PSD file.
To run this script you need to have at least one PSD file opened in Photoshop.
You can open and process more than one file at same time. It only depends about your hardware power.
You can open the ps-join-txt-psd-v-X-X-X.jsx file and edit some settings. Here are the list with what you can change:
// Text Options
var primaryFontName = "Arial Regular"; // [default = Arial Regular]
var primaryFontSize = 16 //pts [default = 16]
var primaryFontColor = "000000" //hexadecimal format [default = 000000]
var primaryFontJustification = "LEFT"
var secondaryFontIdentifier = "*"; // [default = *]
var secondaryFontName = "Times New Roman Regular"; // [default = Times New Roman Regular]
var secondaryFontSize = 12 //pts [default = 12]
var secondaryFontColor = "000000" //hexadecimal format [default = 000000]
var secondaryFontJustification = "CENTER"
// Text Box Options
var useTextBox = true //true or false [default = true]= 100 //pixels [default = 100]
var textBoxWidth = 100 //pixels [default = 100]
var textBoxHeight = 100 //pixels [default = 100]
var textBoxOriginX = 0 //pixels [default = 0]
var textBoxOriginY = 0 //pixels [default = 0]
var textBoxOffsetX = 50 //pixels [default = 50]
var textBoxOffsetY = 50 //pixels [default = 50]
// Layer Group Options
var uselayerGroup = true //true or false [default = true]
var layerGroupName = 'Text'
var layerGroupColor = "blue"
1.1.0 [Current]
- Now a secondary font style can be setted and used;
- Readme file now shows the project roadmap;
- Now the function applyFontJustification() makes the Font Justification process;
- Now Origin setting is avaliable in X and Y axis;
- setLayerLabelCol() variables is now with correct names;
- Text Box Offset don't double jump the second element anymore;
- File Control;
- Font settings;
- Text Box settings;
- Layer Group setting;
- Layer Group color;
- - 1.0 - Create a functional script
- - 1.1 - Add Secondary Font Style
- - 1.2 - Add Save and Close files config
- - 1.3 - Add Infinity font style support [Review Data Structure]
- - 1.4 - Add dialog with processbar information
- - 1.5 - Add search folder dialog to process files without open
- - 2.0 - Add Interface
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.