Coming soon, to an overview near you...the overview!
Unless otherwise stated in a file, DustSharp is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, the text of which can be found at the previous link, or in the LICENSE file.
Each code file in DustSharp has its license located at the top of the file. If any file is missing its license, it should be considered to be licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
DustSharp may be included with projects which use version 3 of the GPL. Please see Apache License v2.0 and GPL Compatibility for more details.
GameClay has no plans to dual-license DustSharp.
This set of commands allows authors to update the public-facing DustSharp repository from the Dust technology base. git clone Dust DustSharp git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter DustSharp git remote rm origin git remote add origin [email protected]:GameClay/DustSharp.git git push origin master