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A simple API for coding in java with spigot api

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This file can be used as a library for the plugin (Java) or as add-ons in skript.


These APIs contain methods that can damage other people's components even slightly. Consequently, I do not assume any responsibility for the damage they may experience or their use. I'm not sure about this but when in doubt I write it.

Explanation Events

public void onFirstJoin(PlayerFirstJoinEvent e){
e.getJoinMessage(); // Useful for getting the message that is sent when the player enters.
e.setJoinMessage("Hello!"); //Useful to set the message when the player join.
e.getPlayer(); //Useful to set the message when the player enters.
public void onShield(PlayerShieldEvent e){
e.getPlayer(); //Useful to set the message when the player join.
e.setCancelled(true/false); //Useful for canceling the event.
e.isCancelled(); //Useful to see if the event has been cancelled.
public void onActionBar(PlayerReceivedActionBarEvent e){
e.getPlayer(); //Useful to set the message when the player join.
e.getActionBarMessage(); //Useful for taking the message.
e.setActionBarMessage("Hello!"); //Useful for setting the message.

Explanation ColorAPI

ColorAPI colorAPI = new ColorAPI();
colorAPI.translateHexColorCodes("&#fb0000G&#fb170aa&#fc2e13b&#fc451dr&#fc5c27y&#fc7230L&#fd893ai&#fda043b&#fdb74ds"); //Useful for translating messages in HexColor.

Explanation SpamAPI

Use the method (spamMessage) at your own risk i take no responsibility for how it is used ;P
SpamAPI.spamMessage("Hello World!", value, instance of plugin); //This spams the message console.

Explanation GabryAPI

GabryAPI gabryAPI = new GabryAPI();
gabryAPI.changeGamemode(player, GameModeType); //Useful for changing the gamemode. GameModeType = SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, ADVENTURE, SPECTATOR.
gabryAPI.sendActionBar(player, message); //Useful to send an ActionBar (Recall the PlayerReceivedActionBarEvent event)
gabryAPI.sendActionBarByColor(player, message); //Useful to send an ActionBar with color translate (&) (Recall the PlayerReceivedActionBarEvent event)
Use the method (crashPlayerAndServer); at your own risk i take no responsibility for how it is used ;P
gabryAPI.crashPlayerAndServer(player); //This can come in handy for crashing a player's minecraft. ATTENTION the server can crash and above all I don't assume any responsibility regarding its use.

Explanation Skript Addons

new skull named "<value>" of player #This expression can be used to fetch heads from the head database site,.

open garage to player #We can use this effect to open the default garage GUI to the player.

if block is activate: #We can use this condition to check if the lock (door) is open or closed.

on player enter vehicle plus: #This event is triggered when entering the vehicle. you can cancel the event.
	broadcast "Hello!"

on player left vehicle plus: #This event is triggered when you exit your vehicle. you can cancel the event.
	broadcast "Bye!"

on player shield:
	send "Hello!" to player #This event is triggered when the player uses his shield.


A simple API for coding in java with spigot api






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