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Submit Test Results to the FIPS 201 Evaluation Lab

Ryan Dickson edited this page Jul 26, 2021 · 7 revisions

If running the Card Conformance Tool as part of the annual requirement to undergo PIV/PIV-I testing, email the following artifacts to fips201ep at

  1. a completed testing application for each PCI configuration evaluated (See Section 1 of the application for more information).
  2. all accompanying Card Conformance Tool Log files *
    • logs (directory)
    • piv-artifacts (directory)
    • x509-artifacts (directory)
    • x509-certs (directory)
    • the test database used for the evaluation (e.g., PIV_Production_Cards.db)
  3. the card's Answer-to-Rest value (presented within the "Reader Status" text box, e.g., 3bd6970081b1fe451f078031c1521118f9)
  4. use the Certificate Profile Conformance Tool (web application) to generate a report (PDF or XLSX) for each certificate found on the card.
  5. high-resolution card photos (front and back).

Note: * collecting all accompanying Card Conformance Tool Log files is most easily achieved by zipping the fips201-card-conformance-tool-[Release-Version]-[Release-Date] directory

Watch this video for an example of how to prepare a package for submission.