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Run the CCT

Bob Fontana edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 35 revisions

The instructions on this page describe how to open and run the Card Conformance Tool (CCT).

Before you begin

If your card certificates assert different policy object identifiers (OIDs) than the ones the CCT tests, click Edit > Override test OIDs.

Open the CCT

  1. In your file explorer, navigate to the folder that contains the CCT files. Downloaded the latest release .zip file from Github, extract it and drill into the FIPS-201-Card-Conformance-Tool-YYYYMMDDhhmm\fips201-cct folder.

  2. Double-click the FIPS-201-Card-Conformance-Tool.jar file.

    The FIPS 201 Card Conformance Tool opens.

Select a card reader and test database

  1. For PIV cards, click the PIV button on the application icon bar. For PIV-I cards, click the Folder icon and select the database of the PIV-I Card Issuer (PCI). If a database doesn't exist, contact the GSA FICAM Testing lab at fips201ep at gsa dot gov.
  2. In the Card Reader drop-down list, select a card reader.
  3. In the Application PIN box, type the PIN for the card you want to test.

Insert card

  1. Insert the card you want to test in the card reader that you selected in step 1 of the Select a card reader section.

  2. Click Refresh Readers.

    The Reader Status box displays some identifying information about the card.

Execute test

  1. Click Verify PIN and Execute Tests.

    The CCT begins running the tests specified by the test database. You can follow along with the tests that have passed or failed in the test tree in the left pane.

Now you can view your test results.