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My Termux Dotfiles


Update and Upgrade Packages, Install Git and gh

apt update && apt install git

Clone Dotfiles As Bare Repo

⚠️ Fork Repo and replace git clone url with your own! ⚠️

rm -rf .termux/
git clone --bare --recurse-submodules ~/GitHub/dotfiles
git --git-dir=$HOME/GitHub/dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME checkout
git --git-dir=$HOME/GitHub/dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

Clone Dotfiles as Normal Repo

git init
git remote add upstream
git config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
git fetch upstream
git reset --hard upstream/main
git submodule update --init

Run Install Script

# Manual, you choose!

# Auto, installs everything with minimal interaction

For both methods set new remote!

# Bare:
b remote set-url origin https://your.git.fork/repo
b remote add upstream

# Regular:
git remote add origin https://your.git.fork/repo

Install Nvim Plugins

e # open editor

Custom Unexpected Keyboard Config

<keyboard name="GR3Y" script="latin">
    <key key0="q" key2="superscript" key4="esc"/>
    <key key0="w" key2="2" key3="\@" key4="~"/>
    <key key0="e" key2="3" key4="\#"/>
    <key key0="r" key2="4" key4="$"/>
    <key key0="t" key2="5" key4="%"/>
    <key key0="y" key2="6" key3="^"/>
    <key key0="u" key2="7" key3="&amp;"/>
    <key key0="i" key2="8" key3="*"/>
    <key key0="o" key2="9" key3="\?"/>
    <key key0="p" key1="subscript" key2="0" key3="!"/>
    <key shift="0.5" key0="a" key2="tab"/>
    <key key0="s" key3="{" key4="}"/>
    <key key0="d" key3="[" key4="]"/>
    <key key0="f" key3="(" key4=")"/>
    <key key0="g" key3="/" key4="\\" key7="|"/>
    <key key0="h" key3="&lt;" key4=">"/>
    <key key0="j" key3="+" key4="="/>
    <key key0="k" key3="_" key4="-"/>
    <key key0="l" key1="`" key3=":" key4=";"/>
    <key width="1.5" key0="shift" key2="loc capslock"/>
    <key key0="z" key3="paste" key4="copy"/>
    <key key0="x" key3="selectAll" key4="cut"/>
    <key key0="c" key3="undo" key4="redo"/>
    <key key0="v" key3="." key4=","/>
    <key key0="b" key3="&quot;" key4="'"/>
    <key key0="n" key3="home" key4="end"/>
    <key key0="m" key3="page_up" key4="page_down"/>
    <key width="1.5" key0="backspace" key2="delete"/>

Building Neovim from source

  • Install Deps
apt install luarocks cmake
luarocks install lpeg
  • Clone repo
git clone --depth 1 -b v0.10.0
  • CD into Repo
neovim/ # or cd neovim
  • Build and Install
cmake -S . -B build_dir -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX
cmake --build build_dir -j8
cmake --install build_dir
  • Clean up Install files
rm -rf neovim

📚 Usage

Use ESC or CTRL-[ to enter Normal mode.

But some people may like the custom escape key such as jj, jk and so on, if you want to custom the escape key, you can learn more from here.


  • ctrl-p : Previous command in history
  • ctrl-n : Next command in history
  • / : Search backward in history
  • n : Repeat the last /

Mode indicators

Normal mode is indicated with block style cursor, and Insert mode with beam style cursor by default.

Vim edition

In Normal mode you can use vv to edit current command line in an editor (e.g. vi/vim/nvim...), because it is bound to the Visual mode.

You can change the editor by ZVM_VI_EDITOR option, by default it is $EDITOR.


  • $ : To the end of the line
  • ^ : To the first non-blank character of the line
  • 0 : To the first character of the line
  • w : [count] words forward
  • W : [count] WORDS forward
  • e : Forward to the end of word [count] inclusive
  • E : Forward to the end of WORD [count] inclusive
  • b : [count] words backward
  • B : [count] WORDS backward
  • t{char} : Till before [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the right
  • T{char} : Till before [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the left
  • f{char} : To [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the right
  • F{char} : To [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the left
  • ; : Repeat latest f, t, F or T [count] times
  • , : Repeat latest f, t, F or T in opposite direction


  • i : Insert text before the cursor
  • I : Insert text before the first character in the line
  • a : Append text after the cursor
  • A : Append text at the end of the line
  • o : Insert new command line below the current one
  • O : Insert new command line above the current one


There are 2 kinds of keybinding mode for surround operating, default is classic mode, you can choose the mode by setting ZVM_VI_SURROUND_BINDKEY option.

  1. classic mode (verb->s->surround)
  • S" : Add " for visual selection
  • ys" : Add " for visual selection
  • cs"' : Change " to '
  • ds" : Delete "
  1. s-prefix mode (s->verb->surround)
  • sa" : Add " for visual selection
  • sd" : Delete "
  • sr"' : Change " to '

Note that key sequences must be pressed in fairly quick succession to avoid a timeout. You may extend this timeout with the ZVM_KEYTIMEOUT option.

How to select surround text object?

  • vi" : Select the text object inside the quotes
  • va( : Select the text object including the brackets

Then you can do any operation for the selection:

  1. Add surrounds for text object
  • vi" -> S[ or sa[ => "object" -> "[object]"
  • va" -> S[ or sa[ => "object" -> ["object"]
  1. Delete/Yank/Change text object
  • di( or vi( -> d
  • ca( or va( -> c
  • yi( or vi( -> y

Increment and Decrement

In normal mode, typing ctrl-a will increase to the next keyword, and typing ctrl-x will decrease to the next keyword. The keyword can be at the cursor, or to the right of the cursor (on the same line). The keyword could be as below:

  • Number (Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary...)
  • Boolean (True or False, Yes or No, On or Off...)
  • Weekday (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...)
  • Month (January, February, March, April, May...)
  • Operator (&&, ||, ++, --, ==, !==, and, or...)
  • ...

For example:

  1. Increment
  • 9 => 10
  • aa99bb => aa100bb
  • aa100bc => aa101bc
  • 0xDe => 0xdf
  • 0Xdf => 0Xe0
  • 0b101 => 0b110
  • 0B11 => 0B101
  • true => false
  • yes => no
  • on => off
  • T => F
  • Fri => Sat
  • Oct => Nov
  • Monday => Tuesday
  • January => February
  • + => -
  • ++ => --
  • == => !=
  • !== => ===
  • && => ||
  • and => or
  • ...
  1. Decrement:
  • 100 => 99
  • aa100bb => aa99bb
  • 0 => -1
  • 0xdE0 => 0xDDF
  • 0xffFf0 => 0xfffef
  • 0xfffF0 => 0xFFFEF
  • 0x0 => 0xffffffffffffffff
  • 0Xf => 0Xe
  • 0b100 => 0b010
  • 0B100 => 0B011
  • True => False
  • On => Off
  • Sun => Sat
  • Jan => Dec
  • Monday => Sunday
  • August => July
  • / => *
  • ++ => --
  • == => !=
  • !== => ===
  • || => &&
  • or => and
  • ...