This library adds software touch buttons on CoreS3 and Tough, which does not have physical buttons or touch buttons, and enables the user to acquire the status via M5.BtnX.
Please use this as an interim feature until a similar feature is added to M5Unified in the future.
Since M5Unified 0.2.3, M5.setTouchButtonHeightByRatio(uint8_t ratio) has been added, allowing the screen to be used as button (M5.BtnX)
You may want to use this feature.
It is also useful for those who are making a common source for Basic, Gray, Core2 and more, as it does not process anything other than CoreS3 and Tough.
In CoreS3SE, if M5Unified is used, the off-screen part functions as a button, as in Core2 .(In CoreS3, that part does not function as touch)
M5Unified is assumed, it is not applicable when device-specific headers such as M5Core3.h are used.
Install in an appropriate way depending on your environment.
- git clone or download zip, and extract into place
- platformio.ini
lib_deps = gob/gob_unifiedButton
- Use library manager on ArduinoIDE
#include <M5Unified.h>
#include <gob_unifiedButton.hpp>
goblib::UnifiedButton unifiedButton;
void setup()
void loop()
unifiedButton.update(); // Must be call after M5.update. (Changed to call after M5.update() since 0.1.0)
// M5.BtnX can be used to obtain status
// ...
else if(M5.BtnA.wasClicked())
// ...
// Drawing Buttons
You can configure which fonts can be used with M5GFX.
You can specify it with begin or change it with changeAppearance.
Argument goblib::UnifiedButton::appearance_t | Description |
bottom | Display buttons at the bottom of the screen (default) |
top | Display buttons at the top of the screen |
transparent_bottom | Transparent buttons on the bottom of the screen |
transparent_top | Transparent buttons on the top of the screen |
transparent_all | Transparent buttons are placed on the entire screen (three vertical sections) |
You can get LGFX_Button*.
void setup()
auto btnA = unifiedButton.getButtonA();
// Re-create buttons with unique shape, color, and text
btnA->initButton(unifiedButton.gfx(), 40, 120, 80, 240 ,TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLUE, TFT_WHITE, "[A]");
// Change label text
Click here for more information about LGFX_Button].
Can be created from a configuration file and shell script for Doxygen.
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