This is a solution to the Stats preview card component challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout on desktop (with a screen size of 144rem) and on mobiles(with a screen size of 37.5rem)
Two screeshots of the design have been added to the folder, one for desktop and the other one for mobile.
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
- Semantic HTML5 markup to structure the whole document
- Used sass for practice purposes and the fact that it makes coding css easier.
- Flexbox has been used to help with the layout
- Desktop-first then I decided to make the code responsive for mobile screen size of 37.5rem
- Google fonts to add any font I needed
I learned to use sass mixins to write media queries, and the use of variables for the color which is in my opinion a good practice, it makes the process much easier. The skill that I could't wait to learn was how to actually use git and github. Thanks to the requirements of frontend to push people to use github, I finally force myself to use it.
@mixin respond($breakpoint) {
@if ($breakpoint == phone) {
@media (max-width: 23.44em) {@content};
I will dive deeper to understand the process of picking the right size for project or website that I build. I will focus on the best practices to make my code responsive, but also the good practice in html to make my code more accessible by picking the right tags when structuring my html.
- Website - [Gael Souleymane Nongnogo]
- Frontend Mentor - @GMSTER22
Thank you to frontend mentor for doing the work they do.