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Release Windows Quick

Tom Mitchell edited this page Mar 3, 2017 · 2 revisions

Windows Omni Release Cheat Sheet

For packaging up a Windows Omni release using the Windows7 VM.

VM Login Details

User: localuser

Password: bbn123

Pre Work

Make sure that the windows_install (and mac_install) directories have been updated for the latest release number.

  • See windows_install/package_builder.iss
  • Should have been done right after previous release.


The packaging scripts assume you have a full GCF under /users/local_user/gcf. Note that a git archive will exclude the 2 images under gcf/mac_install which we want.

  1. Get GCF
    1. Using git:
    2. Copying files
      • Get a Linux release tarball (perhaps via git archive, download from the release ticket, etc)
      • Copy it onto the machine
      • Open 7-Zip
      • Navigate to the tarball and extract it to C:\Users\local_user
      • Rename the resulting directory: move gcf-2.7 gcf
      • From a git checkout, copy gcf\mac_install\*.png into the windows .\gcf\mac_install
    3. AH: E:\GENI\gcf is my git tree in the image
      • Be sure to copy the windows_install files into C:\Users\local_user\gcf\windows_insall as the py2exe config file expects them there.
  2. Test python executables:

Convert from Python to .exe

Follow steps 2 & 3 listed here:

AH: For testing, use -c winoc

Summarizing steps from other page:

cd gcf/src
python ..\windows_install\ py2exe

# Test
cd dist
omni.exe -h # should work
omni-configure.exe -h # should work
readyToLogin.exe -h # should work
clear-passphrases.exe -h # should work
stitcher.exe -h
addMemberToSliceAndSlivers.exe -h

Then more fully test, particularly if new files have been added to the installer (like config files). For example, use stitcher to reserve a stitched toplogy, then readyToLogin to confirm the resources are ready.

Run Inno Setup

  1. Click on Inno Setup Shortcut on desktop.
  2. Open package_builder.iss file. All files included are named here.
  3. Press the Green Arrow (Run Button).
  4. Test installation.
    1. Inno Setup will likely run the setup tool itself automatically.
      • Check the menu items all open the proper files: Disclaimer opens License, 2 web links, and the uninstall tool
    2. Follow the rest of the install instructions starting with step 2 here
      • Put the Omni tools on your path
    3. Open a new command window, and test that all the executables run

Move setup bundle

When done, the setup EXE will be in C:\Users\local_user\gcf\executables\omniTools-2.7-win-setup.exe. It should be ~ 5-6MB.

Use Virtual Box Shared Folders to get access to the folder with the binary in the VM, or from the VM upload to the release ticket via the browser.