GDLive is an OpenSource Project that idea started from GDG Korea Organizers Group
This project displays Google Developers Live's Youtube video streams and scheduled programs.
Any requests are welcomed! (translation, adding functions ..)
#Please import ActionBarSherlock Library
If you want to build this app from source code, You must import ActionBarSherlock Library.
When you import the library, please set the name ActionBarSherlockLibrary
into library name to prevent confliction.
We chose ActionBarSherlock library to provide GDLive app for more developers & users.
By this integration, the project got more capability to lower version Android devices above Gingerbread 2.3.3 (sdk 8+) without loss of design functionality.
#How to Translate ###We need your participation.
If you want to provide this app by your mother language, please translate "string.xml" and commit to make your own language folder like as values-ko in res directory.
####Also if you have enough time, please translate below Google Play Store app Description
GDLive is OpenSource Project that started at gdgkr-organizers.
This application is able to watch Google Developers Live page's youtube movie and scheduled programs.
I made public this project at github.
please, report bug at github.
And any requests are welcomed! (translation, adding functions ..)
I will update Google Play Store Description. please, announce me or Github Commit about your language.
##Release Log
- 1.0.8 / make use ActionbarSherlock with youtube api by skyisle
- 1.0.7 / Add Portuguese translation by Douglas Drumond
- 1.0.6 / Fix java.lang.IllegalStateException by Leonardo YongUk Kim
- 1.0.5 / Fix Out of memory by Leonardo YongUk Kim
- 1.0.4 / support Google TV by Yunsu Choi
- 1.0.3 / support API 8
- 1.0.3 / change Image loading process
- 1.0.2 / add Korean translation by Yunsu Choi
- 1.0.2 / add German translation by Friedger Müffke
- 1.0.2 / add Italian translation by Dario Olivini
- 1.0.2 / add Arabic translation by Shereef Marzouk
- 1.0.2 / add French translation by Eyal LEZMY
- 1.0.1 / change minium SDK Version. (API 12)