More about WireGuard
It is a simple daemon-watcher for WireGuard.
You should download the project:
git clone
Get start the deamon of wg_watcher:
sudo python3 -vv
P.S. log file by default is watcher.log , If you want to change it use -f option
usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-i INTERFACE] [-f FILENAME] [-v] [-s | -r]
It is the simple watchdog for start up and checking WireGuard interface
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Enter a WierGuard port
Enter either name or path to config WireGuard interface
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
Enter the name for lock and config files. Default: watcher.log && /var/lock/watcherd
-v, --verbose Choose loglevel verbosity. Default: WARNING
-s, --stop Stop a dogwatcher and down the interface
-r, --restart Restart WireGuard watcher
Example of launch with the DEBUG level verbosity: python3 -i wg0 -vv
For more details about WireGuard see WireGuard QuickStart Guide