This is the standalone version of Blueimp's AJAX Chat. If you are looking for a version to integrate with your forum, select a different branch.
AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML". The AJAX Chat clients (the user browsers) use JavaScript to query the web server for updates. Instead of delivering a complete HTML page only updated data is sent in XML format.
By using JavaScript the chat page can be updated without having to reload the whole page.
Server-Side | Client-Side |
PHP >= 5 | Enabled JavaScript |
MySQL >= 4 | Enabled Cookies |
Ruby >= 1.8 (optional) | Flash Plugin >= 9 (optional) |
- Easy installation
- Usable as shoutbox
- Multiple channels
- Private messaging
- Private channels
- Invitation system
- Kick/Ban or Ignore offending Users
- Online users list with user menu
- Emoticons/Smilies
- Easy way to add custom emoticons
- BBCode support
- Optional Flash based sound support
- Optional visual update information (changing window title)
- Clickable Hyperlinks
- Splitting of long words to preserve chat layout
- Flood control
- Possibility to delete messages inside the chat
- IRC style commands
- Easy interface to add custom commands
- Possibility to define opening hours for the chat
- Possibility to enable/disable guest users
- Persistent client-side settings
- Multiple languages (auto-detection of ACCEPT_LANGUAGE browser setting)
- Multiple styles with easy layout customization through stylesheets (CSS) and templates
- Automatic adjustment of displayed time to local client timezone
- Standards compliance (XHTML 1.0 strict)
- Accepts any text input, including code and special characters
- Multiline input field with the possibility to enter line breaks
- Message length counter
- Realtime monitoring and logs viewer
- Support for unicode (UTF-8) and non-unicode content types
- Bandwidth saving update calls (only updated data is sent)
- Optional support to push updates over a Flash based socket connection (increased performance and responsiveness)
- Survives connection timeouts
- Easy integration into existing authentication systems
- Sample phpBB3, MyBB, PunBB, SMF and vBulletin integrations available
- Separation of layout and code
- Well commented Source Code
- Developed with Security as integral part - built to prevent Code injections, SQL injections, Cross-site scripting (XSS), Session stealing and other attacks
- Tested successfully with Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari - built to work with all modern browsers :)
Essential documentation is contained in the attached readme files
For more documentation consult the github wiki:
For support questions use google groups:!forum/ajax-chat
To report bugs use github issues: