I'm a dynamic and results-driven Software Developer with a proven record of accomplishment in developing and maintaining cutting-edge software applications. With 4 years of industry experience, I specialize in JavaScript, Node, ReactJs, and NextJs.
I'm a passionate Software Developer with expertise in JavaScript, React, and NodeJS. I love problem-solving and am committed to developing innovative solutions that drive efficiency and quality. I'm always open to new opportunities and challenges that can help me grow as a professional.
In my repositories, you'll find a range of projects that showcase my skills and interests. From building robust web applications to contributing to open-source projects, I strive to make a positive impact through my code.
- Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks/Libraries: Node.js, React.js, Next.js, Express.js, React-Native, Flutter
- Databases: MongoDB
- Version Control: Git
- Contribute to Open Source projects
- Improve my technical writing skills
- Get more hands-on experience with testing and debugging
- Make Every Experience Educational (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/make-every-experience-educational-freedom-patrick-nanewortor--9agkf/?trackingId=RC799ObV0TPqsh1GUpQ6dA%3D%3D)
- Take Pride in Your Work (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/take-pride-your-work-freedom-patrick-nanewortor--hoyef/?trackingId=5jmJdeKxScCDbyi2S94dJQ%3D%3D)
- The Impact of Climate Change on Our Daily Lives (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/impact-climate-change-our-daily-lives-freedom-patrick-nanewortor--t2orf/)
Feel free to reach out if you'd like to collaborate or just say hi!
- LinkedIn: Freedom Patrick Nanewortor
- Email: [email protected]
- Portfolio: freedomintech.netlify.app
When I'm not coding, you can find me reading a good book, exploring the great outdoors or exploring new technologies!