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Python tools used for connecting to and manipulating data stored in REDCap, SQLServer, and MySQL

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Python tools used for connecting to and manipulating data stored in REDCap, SQLServer, and MySQL

Read library files

# import pymysql as db  # comes with utilities
# import pandas as pd   # comes with utilities
# dependenct on config_.ini setup and utility directory location

import os,sys,inspect   # sys is part of the utilities, retained here so we can access directory pathing

# set up sub path directories
# replace parent/gramps with following!  :)
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
utility_dir = current_dir
config_dir  = current_dir
onedrv_dir  = "C:/Users/cmshaw/OneDrive - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center"

# utility path
while not os.path.exists(utility_dir + '\\Utility'):
    utility_dir = os.path.dirname(utility_dir)
utility_dir = utility_dir + '\\Utility'  
sys.path.insert(0, utility_dir)

# configuration path
while not os.path.exists(config_dir + '\\Config'):
    config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_dir)
config_dir = config_dir + '\\Config'  
sys.path.insert(0, config_dir)
configfile = config_dir +"\\config_.ini"

# import mysql.connector and mysql engine utilities
from utils import *
from redcapengine import *

print("Current Directory:")
print("Utility Directory:")
print("Config Directory:")
print("One-Drive Directory:")

# everytime this program runs a copy is made and stamped with the current hour/min/seconds
timenow   = gettime('%H%M%S')
today     = gettime('%Y%m%d')
todaydash = gettime('%Y-%m-%d')
todaytime = gettime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

# handy constants
slash = '\\'
dblslash = '\\\\'

# set up emailer object
Emailer = EmailMessage(sect='hutchemail')

# set up "Do" vars
DoMe    = True
SkipMe  = False
DoAll   = True
SkipAll = False
DoDebug = False # or DoDebug = True
# Not testing engine load
# testing turned off
Current Directory:
Utility Directory:
Config Directory:
One-Drive Directory:
C:/Users/cmshaw/OneDrive - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

3.8.5 (default, Sep  3 2020, 21:29:08) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
2023-09-22 10:39:00    

MySQLEngine Class utilizing Data Connection Class

Setup data connection for MySQL

# Setup data connection for MySQL
# return connection object which contains the actual connection
schema = 'some_mysql_schema'
sect   = 'some_config_section'

conobj     = DataConnection( sect=schema, schema=schema, sqlalchemy=True, feedback='err')
alchemycon = conobj.con

conobj     = DataConnection( sect=schema, schema=schema, sqlalchemy=False, feedback='err')
mysqlcon   = conobj.con

# conobj   = DataConnection( sect='caisisprod', schema=schema, sqlalchemy=False, feedback='err')
# sqlservcon = conobj.con
sqlservcon = None

print(alchemycon, mysqlcon, sqlservcon)

# create this subclassed sql engine object (mysql or odbc for sql server) for Arrival functions
# this is the 'standard' data processing engine
mysqleng = MySQLEngine(schema=schema)
mysqleng.con = mysqleng.mysqlcon'err'

# check engine connectivity, returns boolean
isactive = mysqleng.checkeng()
print(f'\r\nEngine active: {isactive}')

# Object Properties
# in this example properties of a mysql engine class

REDCap Engine Class utilizing Data Connection Class

Set up database connections and engine for REDCap data

If you are connecting to multiple REDCap projects, you need to add a suffix to the object name. So rather than 'redcapeng' your engines could be 'redcapeng1' and 'redcapeng2', can't have two objects with the same name!!

# Set up database connections and engine for REDCap data

# the redcap dictionary enhances the regular mysql dictionary to add on 

# Creating a data connection requires a conguration definition in config_.ini
# Here we have two connection objects, 1) for running sql against mysql, 2) for running sql against SQLserver
schema = 'some_redcap_project'
sect   = 'some_config_section'
conobj = DataConnection( sect=sect, schema=schema, sqlalchemy=False, feedback='err')
mysqlcon  = conobj.con
mycondict = conobj.condict

conobj = DataConnection( sect=sect, schema=schema, sqlalchemy=True, feedback='err')
alchemycon = conobj.con

# Creating a REDCap engine requires a connection dictionary
redcapeng = REDCapEngine(condict=mycondict,feedback='err')
# builds the keytable

REDCap SchemaDictionary Class

Create dictionary, coding table and backups

run occasionally when data needs refreshed.

requires a connection dictionary and a redcap engine, optionally you can specify the connection object to use.

required parameters:

  • condict: a connection dictionary from the DataConnection class

    • i.e. mycondict = DataConnection( sect=sect, schema=schema, sqlalchemy=False, feedback='err').condict
  • engine: an engine for getting data from a redcap project replicated to MySQL from the RedCapEngine class

    • i.e. redcapeng = REDCapEngine(condict=mycondict,feedback='err')

optional parameters:

  • con: a connection object. Defaults to the engine's con object
    • i.e. con = REDCapEngine(condict=mycondict,feedback='err').con
  • recreate: True (default)/False
    • causes the schema dictionary to be created, false suppresses creation/changes
  • codedict: True/False (default)
    • causes the code dictionary to be created, false suppresses creation/changes
  • tbl: the name of a form or table in the RedCap project
    • causes only the specific form/table coding to be updated (exactly the same as setting frm parameter)
  • frm: the name of a form or table in the RedCap project
    • causes only the specific form/table coding to be updated (exactly the same as setting tbl parameter)
# Create dictionary, coding table and backups
# note that Schema building requires a mysqleng and a data dictionary from a REDCap connection'err'
schema = 'some_redcap_project'
redcapdict = SchemaDictionary(
    , condict=mycondict
    , engine=redcapeng
    , schema=schema
    , codedict=True
    , recreate=True
    # Specific table to update coding for, defaults to all tables 
    , tbl='sometablename' 
    # , frm='someformname' can be used alternatively instead of tbl
# uploads all the REDCap instruments into the MySQL schema
forms_df = redcapeng.rc_forms(suppress='obsolete_fields')

Additional functionality

This class is used to create sql case statements useful when querying coded REDCap variables

For example you can return a case statement that will convert a variable coded as an integer value into the meaning associated with that value as found in the REDCap source project

sample radio or dropdown variable code conversion

-- integer to meaning, when the codes are integer
    WHEN `arrivaltype1`=1  THEN "Newly Diagnosed [1]"
    WHEN `arrivaltype1`=2  THEN "Relapse Salvage [2]"
    WHEN `arrivaltype1`=3  THEN "Refractory Salvage [3]"
    WHEN `arrivaltype1`=4  THEN "MRD Relapse [4]"
    WHEN `arrivaltype1`=5  THEN "MRD Refractory [5]"
    WHEN `arrivaltype1`=8  THEN "Dx Unknown [8]"
    WHEN `arrivaltype1`=9  THEN "Other [9]"
END AS `arrivaltype1_meaning`
--  text to meaning, when the codes are text
    WHEN `rxline1`="-1" THEN "Not entered [-1]"
    WHEN `rxline1`="HCT" THEN "Transplant"
    WHEN `rxline1`="induct" THEN "Ind"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S1" THEN "S1"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S2" THEN "S2"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S3" THEN "S3"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S4" THEN "S4"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S5" THEN "S5"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S6" THEN "S6"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S7" THEN "S7"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S8" THEN "S8"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S9" THEN "S9"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S10" THEN "S10"
    WHEN `rxline1`="S11" THEN "S11"
END AS `rxline1_meaning`
-- meaning to integer code value
    WHEN `diseaseatarrival`="Newly diagnosed" THEN 1
    WHEN `diseaseatarrival`="Relapsed (at least one previous CR)" THEN 2
    WHEN `diseaseatarrival`="Refractory (no previous CR)" THEN 3
    WHEN `diseaseatarrival`="In remission" THEN 4
    WHEN `diseaseatarrival`="In remission with persistant MRD" THEN 5
    WHEN `diseaseatarrival`="In MRD only relapse" THEN 6
END AS `diseaseatarrival_order`

sample checkbox conversion to meaning

-- Checkbox controls download from REDCap as multiple variables, one per checkbox option,
-- each variable contains the variable name with a coded suffix.
-- This statement combines the results into a list of the items checked.

-- returns list containing meaning of all checked values
    IF(`arrivalreason1___10`, ",>20% [10]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___11`, ",>10% [11]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___12`, ",>5% (R/R) [12]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___13`, ",< 5% (MRD) [13]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___14`, ",t(15;17) (APL) [14]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___15`, ",t(8;21) [15]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___16`, ",inv(16) [16]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___17`, ",EMD [17]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___26`, ",AUL [26]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___25`, ",ABL [25]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___18`, ",MPAL [18]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___19`, ",tp53 [19]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___20`, ",BPDCN [20]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___31`, ",In CR for Consolidation [31]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___27`, ",In CR for HCT [27]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___28`, ",In CR for consult [28]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___29`, ",In CR w/o MRD for HCT [29]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___30`, ",In CR w/MRD for HCT [30]", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___32`, ",Other - please specify", ""),
    IF(`arrivalreason1___99`, ",Other WHO AML [99]", "")),2)
-- returns list containing all checked codes
    IF(`diagnosis___1`, ",1", ""),
    IF(`diagnosis___2`, ",2", ""),
    IF(`diagnosis___3`, ",3", ""),
    IF(`diagnosis___4`, ",4", ""),
    IF(`diagnosis___5`, ",5", ""),
    IF(`diagnosis___6`, ",6", ""),
    IF(`diagnosis___8`, ",8", ""),
    IF(`diagnosis___7`, ",7", "")),2)
# create code dictionary class and the table redcapdictionaryconv
# requires that a code table was created previously
myRCDict = RCCodeDict(eng=mysqleng,schema=schema)['multi'].head(1)

Query object/class definitions

return methods a.k.a. functions

return attributes a.k.a. properties

# methods by default does not include double underscore
meth_list = get_methods(some_class_or_obj)
# methods including double underscore
meth_list = get_methods(some_class_or_obj,dunder=True))
# attributes by default does not include double underscore
attrib_list = get_attributes(some_class_or_obj)
# attributes including double underscore
attrib_list = get_attributes(some_class_or_obj,True)
# built in __dir__() function returns both methods and attributes including double underscore
attrib_list = some_class_or_obj.__dir__()

Query data dictionary in REDCap to describe fields

Upload REDCap instruments to MySQL

Refresh of the MySQL copy of the REDCap project

uploads all the REDCap instruments into the MySQL schema

forms_df = redcapeng.rc_forms(suppress='obsolete_fields') df=redcapeng.rc_key() df.describe()

Update specific forms in REDCap

Refresh specific forms

# Update specific forms in REDCap
df = redcapeng.rc_form(tbl='patient_list')
df = redcapeng.rc_form(tbl='arrival1')
df = redcapeng.rc_form(tbl='kd2008_newlydiagnosed')
df = redcapeng.rc_form(tbl='kd2018_newlydiagnosed')
df = redcapeng.rc_form(tbl='redcap_dx_induction')

Copy WorkDBProd data to MySQL

Copies tables from WorkDBProd to the MySQL database caisis

mylist = [ 'vdatasetAMLLabs2', ] MoveEng = SQLMoveEngine(tbllist=mylist, configfile=configfile)

Send Email from python

Send email from python

Emailer = EmailMessage(sect='smtpemail') msgsubj = 'Message subject' msgbody = 'Message text'

comma delimited list of target email addresses

trgemail = r'[email protected], [email protected]'

comma delimited list of files to attach

file = r'data\image1.jfif,data\image2.jfif' Emailer.send_email( trgemail , msgsubj , msgbody , file )

Import Strategies

Import Specific Excel Tab

df = pd.read_excel('data\\ExcelFile.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet2')            
mysqleng.tosql(con=mysqleng.alchemycon, df=df, tbl='exceldata', schema='temp')

Import CSV data

df = pd.read_csv('data\\CSVFile.csv')            
mysqleng.tosql(con=mysqleng.alchemycon, df=df, tbl='csvdata', schema='temp')

Import REDCap Report (CSV)

grabs data to dataframe and incidentally outputs data to csv

reportdf = redcapeng.rc_report(rpt=1234,csv=r'output\CSVFile.csv') reportdf

Import REDCap Report (MySQL Table)

# grabs data to dataframe and incidentally outputs data to mysql table
reportdf = redcapeng.rc_report(rpt=15093,tbl="playground_mrn_list",schema="junk")

Export Strategies for Data Frames

Export dataframe to Excel

# Export dataframe to Excel

Export a dataframe to a CSV

# Export a dataframe to a CSV
df.to_csv(r"output\playground_mrn_arrival_id_list.csv", index=False)

Export a dataframe to a TXT file

# Export a dataframe to a TXT file
df.to_csv(r"output\TextFile.txt", index=False, sep='\t')

Export a dataframe to MySQL

# Export a dataframe to MySQL
rslt = mysqleng.tosql(con=mysqleng.alchemycon, df=df, tbl='sometable', schema='temp')

Converting Excel to CSV utilizing csv_from_excel procedure

Useful if your excel file contains karyotype data or other data that contains many delimiting symbols/characters can mess up the way dataframes work

Excel to CSV defaulting to first tab

# example parameters
dir_   = r'C:\Users\cmshaw\OneDrive - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center\AML Database Resources\EPIC Downloads'
excel_ = f'{today}_UW_CYTO_no_pass.xlsx'   

# default to first tab
mycsv   = csv_from_excel(myexcel=excel_, mydir=dir_)

Excel to CSV by sheet name

# example parameters
dir_   = r'C:\Users\cmshaw\OneDrive - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center\AML Database Resources\EPIC Downloads'
excel_ = f'{today}_UW_CYTO_no_pass.xlsx'   
sheet_ = 'SecondSheet'

# by sheet name
mycsv   = csv_from_excel(myexcel=excel_, mydir=dir_, mysheet=sheet_)

Excel to CSV by sheet position

# example parameters
dir_   = r'C:\Users\cmshaw\OneDrive - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center\AML Database Resources\EPIC Downloads'
excel_ = f'{today}_UW_CYTO_no_pass.xlsx'   

# by sheet position, this is zero based so the first sheet is sheet 0
mycsv   = csv_from_excel(myexcel=excel_, mydir=dir_, mysheet=0)

Managing Excel Output

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data_first = {'column_a': pd.Series(data=np.random.randint(10, 100, 3),
                                        index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
                  'column_b': pd.Series(data=np.random.randint(10, 100, 3),
                                        index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
                  'column_c': pd.Series(data=np.random.randint(10, 100, 3),
                                        index=['a', 'b', 'c'])}
    data_second = {'column_d': pd.Series(data=np.random.randint(10, 100, 3),
                                         index=['d', 'e', 'f']),
                   'column_e': pd.Series(data=np.random.randint(10, 100, 3),
                                         index=['d', 'e', 'f']),
                   'column_f': pd.Series(data=np.random.randint(10, 100, 3),
                                         index=['d', 'e', 'f'])}
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=data_first)
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=data_second)

Export dataframe to an excel file

# Export dataframe to an excel file

Two dataframes to a single excel tab

# Two dataframes on one tab
df1 = df
df2 = df
# starts 2 rows after the first frame
with pd.ExcelWriter(r'output\two_frames_one_tab.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
    df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data', index=False)
    df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data', index=False,
                       startrow=(df1.shape[0] + 3))

Two dataframes side-by-side to a single excel tab

# Two dataframes side-by-side
df1 = df
df2 = df
# starts 2 rows after the first frame
with pd.ExcelWriter(r'output\two_frames_side_by_side.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
    df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data', index=False)
    df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data', index=False,
                       startcol=(df1.shape[1] + 1))

Multiple tabs in one excel workbook on seperate tabs

# Multiple tabs in one workbook
df1 = df
df2 = df
with pd.ExcelWriter(r'output\multiple_tabs.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
    df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='first_tab', index=False)
    df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='second_tab', index=False)        

Auto adjust excel column

Fix column widths of excel file

# Fix column widths of excel file

Fix column widths of excel file, output to new excel

# Fix column widths of excel file, output to new excel
fix_col_width(srcfile='data\\ExcelFile.xlsx', trgfile='output\ExcelColWidths.xlsx', sheet='Sheet1')

Export Excel to an Image

# import excel2img
# excel2img.export_img(fn_excel, fn_image, page=None, _range=None)
                     , fn_image="output\\ExcelFile1.bmp"
                     , page="Sheet1")
                     , fn_image="output\\ExcelFile2.bmp"
                     , _range="Sheet1!A1:H10")
                     , fn_image="output\\ExcelFile3.bmp"
                     , _range="Sheet1!range1")

Iterate files in a directory

# iterate files in directory import os
directory = os.fsencode(directory_in_str)
for file in os.listdir(directory):
    filename = os.fsdecode(file)
    if filename.endswith(".asm") or filename.endswith(".py"): 
        # print(os.path.join(directory, filename))

Query data dictionary in REDCap to describe fields

# Query data dictionary in REDCap to describe fields
col_list = tuple(df.columns)
schema   = 'SomeSchema'
cmd = f"""
    SELECT field_name, field_label, select_choices_or_calculations 
        FROM `{schema}`.`redcapdictionary` 
        WHERE LOCATE(field_name,"{col_list}")>0 ;
rslt = mysqleng.dosql(cmd=cmd,con=mysqleng.mysqlcon)

REDCap coding class

# returns a class object that knows about how to work with REDCap coding
rccode = REDCapCoding(engine=mysqleng)

dataframe of field coding

# returns a dataframe of the coding for the passed in field
df = rccode.rc_fieldcode(fld='arrivalsubchar1')

string of REDCap dictionary choices

# returns a string of the choices as defined in the REDCap dictionary
mychoices = rccode.rc_choices('arrivalsubchar1')

Get REDCap Report Structure

Useful if you want to move a report's data to another project

# returns a class object that knows how to work with REDCap coding
rccodeeng = REDCapCoding(engine=mysqleng,rceng=redcapeng)
# returns a dataframe based on the report that contains the structure of the source project's fields
# incidentally outputs a file in the output directory with the dictionary structure
# also replicates the structure to a temp table in the temp schema
# passing in a tbl will update the resulting structure to place all fields in that form(instrument)
df = rccodeeng.rc_reportdict(reportid=238819,tbl='form_1')

Formatting DataFrame Output

Pretty Print for DataFrames

Control width of columns, and fieldlist.

Print multiple dataframes prettily as output from a jupyter notebook cell.

syntax:    ppdf(df,width,fieldlist):
# create sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame([{'ptmrn': 'U1234567', 'var1': 'a,b,c'*1000, 'var2': 1, 'onemorevar':  0.457},
                   {'ptmrn': 'U0000001', 'var1': 'd,e,f'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar': -3.815},
                   {'ptmrn': 'U0000002', 'var1': 'g,h,i'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar':  3.815},
                    {'ptmrn': 'U0000003', 'var1': 'j,k,l'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar': -2.111},
                    {'ptmrn': 'U0000004', 'var1': 'm,n,o'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar':  2.111},
                    {'ptmrn': 'U0000005', 'var1': 'p,q,r'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar': -1.222},
                    {'ptmrn': 'U0000006', 'var1': 's,t,u'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar':  1.222},
                    {'ptmrn': 'U0000007', 'var1': 'v,w,x'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar': -3.333},
                    {'ptmrn': 'U0000008', 'var1': 'y,z,1'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar':  3.333},
                    {'ptmrn': 'U0000009', 'var1': '1,2,3'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar':  4.333},
                   {'ptmrn': 'U0000010', 'var1': '4,5,6'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar':  4.444},
                   {'ptmrn': 'U0000011', 'var1': '7,8,9'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar': -5.555},
                   {'ptmrn': 'U0000012', 'var1': '0,@,%'*1000, 'var2': 2, 'onemorevar':  5.555}])

pretty print dataframe all fields, limit to the first 25 char for each column

## pretty print dataframe all fields, limit to the first 25 char for each column
ppdf(df, width=25)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ptmrn var1 var2 onemorevar
0 U1234567 a,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca... 1 0.457
1 U0000001 d,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd... 2 -3.815
2 U0000002 g,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig... 2 3.815
3 U0000003 j,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj... 2 -2.111
4 U0000004 m,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om... 2 2.111
5 U0000005 p,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp... 2 -1.222
6 U0000006 s,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us... 2 1.222
7 U0000007 v,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv... 2 -3.333
8 U0000008 y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y... 2 3.333
9 U0000009 1,2,31,2,31,2,31,2,31... 2 4.333
10 U0000010 4,5,64,5,64,5,64,5,64... 2 4.444
11 U0000011 7,8,97,8,97,8,97,8,97... 2 -5.555
12 U0000012 0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0... 2 5.555

pretty print dataframe fieldlist, limit to the first 50 char for each column

## pretty print dataframe fieldlist, limit to the first 50 char for each column
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ptmrn onemorevar var1
0 U1234567 0.457 a,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca...
1 U0000001 -3.815 d,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd...
2 U0000002 3.815 g,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig...
3 U0000003 -2.111 j,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj...
4 U0000004 2.111 m,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om...
5 U0000005 -1.222 p,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp...
6 U0000006 1.222 s,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us...
7 U0000007 -3.333 v,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv...
8 U0000008 3.333 y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y,z,1y...
9 U0000009 4.333 1,2,31,2,31,2,31,2,31,2,31,2,31,2,31,2,31,2,31...
10 U0000010 4.444 4,5,64,5,64,5,64,5,64,5,64,5,64,5,64,5,64,5,64...
11 U0000011 -5.555 7,8,97,8,97,8,97,8,97,8,97,8,97,8,97,8,97,8,97...
12 U0000012 5.555 0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0,@,%0...

pretty print dataframe fieldlist, just the header

## pretty print dataframe fieldlist, just the header
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ptmrn onemorevar var1
0 U1234567 0.457 a,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca...
1 U0000001 -3.815 d,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd...
2 U0000002 3.815 g,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig...
3 U0000003 -2.111 j,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj...
4 U0000004 2.111 m,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om...

pretty print dataframe, just the first 8 header rows

## pretty print dataframe, just the first 8 header rows
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ptmrn var1 var2 onemorevar
0 U1234567 a,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,ca... 1 0.457
1 U0000001 d,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd,e,fd... 2 -3.815
2 U0000002 g,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig,h,ig... 2 3.815
3 U0000003 j,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj,k,lj... 2 -2.111
4 U0000004 m,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om,n,om... 2 2.111
5 U0000005 p,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp,q,rp... 2 -1.222
6 U0000006 s,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us,t,us... 2 1.222
7 U0000007 v,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv,w,xv... 2 -3.333

Tabulate output for dataframe

# Tabulate output for dataframe
print(tabulate(df[['ptmrn','var2','onemorevar']], headers = 'keys', tablefmt = 'psql'))
|    | ptmrn    |   var2 |   onemorevar |
|  0 | U1234567 |      1 |        0.457 |
|  1 | U0000001 |      2 |       -3.815 |
|  2 | U0000002 |      2 |        3.815 |
|  3 | U0000003 |      2 |       -2.111 |
|  4 | U0000004 |      2 |        2.111 |
|  5 | U0000005 |      2 |       -1.222 |
|  6 | U0000006 |      2 |        1.222 |
|  7 | U0000007 |      2 |       -3.333 |
|  8 | U0000008 |      2 |        3.333 |
|  9 | U0000009 |      2 |        4.333 |
| 10 | U0000010 |      2 |        4.444 |
| 11 | U0000011 |      2 |       -5.555 |
| 12 | U0000012 |      2 |        5.555 |
# styling with color
def color_negative_red(val):
    Takes a scalar and returns a string with
    the css property `'color: red'` for negative
    strings, black otherwise.
    color = 'red' if val < 0 else 'black'
    return 'color: % s' % color
# displaying the DataFrame
<style type="text/css" > #T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row0_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row0_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row1_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row2_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row2_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row3_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row4_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row4_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row5_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row6_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row6_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row7_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row8_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row8_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row9_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row9_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row10_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row10_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row11_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row12_col0,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row12_col1{ color: black; }#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row1_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row3_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row5_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row7_col1,#T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row11_col1{ color: red; }</style>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row0" class="row_heading level0 row0" >0</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row0_col0" class="data row0 col0" >1</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row0_col1" class="data row0 col1" >0.457000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row1" class="row_heading level0 row1" >1</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row1_col0" class="data row1 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row1_col1" class="data row1 col1" >-3.815000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row2" class="row_heading level0 row2" >2</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row2_col0" class="data row2 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row2_col1" class="data row2 col1" >3.815000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row3" class="row_heading level0 row3" >3</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row3_col0" class="data row3 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row3_col1" class="data row3 col1" >-2.111000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row4" class="row_heading level0 row4" >4</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row4_col0" class="data row4 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row4_col1" class="data row4 col1" >2.111000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row5" class="row_heading level0 row5" >5</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row5_col0" class="data row5 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row5_col1" class="data row5 col1" >-1.222000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row6" class="row_heading level0 row6" >6</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row6_col0" class="data row6 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row6_col1" class="data row6 col1" >1.222000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row7" class="row_heading level0 row7" >7</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row7_col0" class="data row7 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row7_col1" class="data row7 col1" >-3.333000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row8" class="row_heading level0 row8" >8</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row8_col0" class="data row8 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row8_col1" class="data row8 col1" >3.333000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row9" class="row_heading level0 row9" >9</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row9_col0" class="data row9 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row9_col1" class="data row9 col1" >4.333000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row10" class="row_heading level0 row10" >10</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row10_col0" class="data row10 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row10_col1" class="data row10 col1" >4.444000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row11" class="row_heading level0 row11" >11</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row11_col0" class="data row11 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row11_col1" class="data row11 col1" >-5.555000</td>
                    <th id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682level0_row12" class="row_heading level0 row12" >12</th>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row12_col0" class="data row12 col0" >2</td>
                    <td id="T_ef86a5cb_596e_11ee_b355_548d5a571682row12_col1" class="data row12 col1" >5.555000</td>

def color_negative(v, color): return f"color: {color};" if v < 0 else None df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 2), columns=["A", "B"]), color='red')

Using matplotlib to add some color!

poem = """
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
words = re.split(r'\W+', poem)
pairs = [(x, len(x)) for x in words]
# Create a 5x5 matrix of tuples: (word, length)
matrix = []
for i in range(0,5):
df2 = pd.DataFrame(matrix)

def font_short(v, weight, color):
    Mark short words
    v: tuple of (word, length)
    weight: CSS term accepted as a font-weight value
    color: CSS term accepted as a color
    return f"font-weight: {weight}; color: {color}" if v[1] < 4 else None

# We must apply both `format` and `applymap` to the
styler = x: x[0])
styler.applymap(font_short, weight='bold', color='magenta')
<style type="text/css" > #T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row0_col0,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row0_col2,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row1_col2,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row1_col4,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col1,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col2,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col4,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row3_col1,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row3_col3,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row4_col0,#T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row4_col4{ font-weight: bold; color: magenta; }</style>
var2 onemorevar
                    <th id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682level0_row0" class="row_heading level0 row0" >0</th>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row0_col0" class="data row0 col0" ></td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row0_col1" class="data row0 col1" >Twas</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row0_col2" class="data row0 col2" >the</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row0_col3" class="data row0 col3" >night</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row0_col4" class="data row0 col4" >before</td>
                    <th id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682level0_row1" class="row_heading level0 row1" >1</th>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row1_col0" class="data row1 col0" >Christmas</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row1_col1" class="data row1 col1" >when</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row1_col2" class="data row1 col2" >all</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row1_col3" class="data row1 col3" >through</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row1_col4" class="data row1 col4" >the</td>
                    <th id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682level0_row2" class="row_heading level0 row2" >2</th>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col0" class="data row2 col0" >house</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col1" class="data row2 col1" >Not</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col2" class="data row2 col2" >a</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col3" class="data row2 col3" >creature</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row2_col4" class="data row2 col4" >was</td>
                    <th id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682level0_row3" class="row_heading level0 row3" >3</th>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row3_col0" class="data row3 col0" >stirring</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row3_col1" class="data row3 col1" >not</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row3_col2" class="data row3 col2" >even</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row3_col3" class="data row3 col3" >a</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row3_col4" class="data row3 col4" >mouse</td>
                    <th id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682level0_row4" class="row_heading level0 row4" >4</th>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row4_col0" class="data row4 col0" >The</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row4_col1" class="data row4 col1" >stockings</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row4_col2" class="data row4 col2" >were</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row4_col3" class="data row4 col3" >hung</td>
                    <td id="T_f9f93287_596e_11ee_af17_548d5a571682row4_col4" class="data row4 col4" >by</td>
# import matplotlib as mpl
def make_gradient(v, min_length, max_length, cmap='PuRd'):

        v: tuple of (word, length)
        min_length: int 
            minimum length of all words in the matrix
        max_length: int
            maximum length of all words in the matrix
        cmap: matplotlib color map, default value here is 'YlGn'


            CSS setting a colour

        For Matplotlib colormaps:
    # normalize the word length as a fraction of the range 
    # between min_length and max_length
    rel_v = (v[1] - min_length) / (max_length - min_length)
    # define the colormap
    cmap =
    # Get a colour out of the given colormap based on a value [0,1]
    rgba = cmap(rel_v)  
    # convert the colour to a hexadecimal string representation
    return f'background-color: {mpl.colors.rgb2hex(rgba)};'

# plot_color_gradients('Sequential',
#                      ['Greys', 'Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges', 'Reds',
#                       'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'OrRd', 'PuRd', 'RdPu', 'BuPu',
#                       'GnBu', 'PuBu', 'YlGnBu', 'PuBuGn', 'BuGn', 'YlGn'])

# We must apply both `format` and `applymap` to the
styler = x: x[0])
min_length = min([x[1] for x in pairs])
max_length = max([x[1] for x in pairs])
styler.applymap(lambda x: make_gradient(x, min_length, max_length, 'PuBuGn'))
<style type="text/css" > #T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col0{ background-color: #fff7fb; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col1,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col1,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col2,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col2,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col3{ background-color: #84b2d4; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col2,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col2,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col4,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col1,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col4,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col1,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col0{ background-color: #b4c4df; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col3,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col0,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col4{ background-color: #519ec8; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col4{ background-color: #258bae; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col0,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col1{ background-color: #014636; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col3{ background-color: #027c7e; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col2,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col3{ background-color: #eee5f1; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col3,#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col0{ background-color: #016755; }#T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col4{ background-color: #d7d5e8; }</style>
0 1 2 3 4
                    <th id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682level0_row0" class="row_heading level0 row0" >0</th>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col0" class="data row0 col0" ></td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col1" class="data row0 col1" >Twas</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col2" class="data row0 col2" >the</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col3" class="data row0 col3" >night</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row0_col4" class="data row0 col4" >before</td>
                    <th id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682level0_row1" class="row_heading level0 row1" >1</th>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col0" class="data row1 col0" >Christmas</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col1" class="data row1 col1" >when</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col2" class="data row1 col2" >all</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col3" class="data row1 col3" >through</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row1_col4" class="data row1 col4" >the</td>
                    <th id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682level0_row2" class="row_heading level0 row2" >2</th>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col0" class="data row2 col0" >house</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col1" class="data row2 col1" >Not</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col2" class="data row2 col2" >a</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col3" class="data row2 col3" >creature</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row2_col4" class="data row2 col4" >was</td>
                    <th id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682level0_row3" class="row_heading level0 row3" >3</th>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col0" class="data row3 col0" >stirring</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col1" class="data row3 col1" >not</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col2" class="data row3 col2" >even</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col3" class="data row3 col3" >a</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row3_col4" class="data row3 col4" >mouse</td>
                    <th id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682level0_row4" class="row_heading level0 row4" >4</th>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col0" class="data row4 col0" >The</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col1" class="data row4 col1" >stockings</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col2" class="data row4 col2" >were</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col3" class="data row4 col3" >hung</td>
                    <td id="T_a595eb72_596f_11ee_8729_548d5a571682row4_col4" class="data row4 col4" >by</td>
# Create one dataframe with only words
df_words = df2.applymap(lambda x: x[0])
# .. and a second one with only lengths
df_lengths = df2.applymap(lambda x: x[1])
# Now use the lengths to apply the background gradient to the words, axis=None)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ in __call__(self, obj)
    343             method = get_real_method(obj, self.print_method)
    344             if method is not None:
--> 345                 return method()
    346             return None
    347         else:

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\formats\ in _repr_html_(self)
    191         Hooks into Jupyter notebook rich display system.
    192         """
--> 193         return self.render()
    195     @doc(NDFrame.to_excel, klass="Styler")

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\formats\ in render(self, **kwargs)
    538         * table_attributes
    539         """
--> 540         self._compute()
    541         # TODO: namespace all the pandas keys
    542         d = self._translate()

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\formats\ in _compute(self)
    623         r = self
    624         for func, args, kwargs in self._todo:
--> 625             r = func(self)(*args, **kwargs)
    626         return r

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\formats\ in _apply(self, func, axis, subset, **kwargs)
    640             result.columns = data.columns
    641         else:
--> 642             result = func(data, **kwargs)
    643             if not isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame):
    644                 raise TypeError(

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\formats\ in _background_gradient(s, cmap, low, high, text_color_threshold, vmin, vmax)
   1125         with _mpl(Styler.background_gradient) as (plt, colors):
-> 1126             smin = np.nanmin(s.to_numpy()) if vmin is None else vmin
   1127             smax = np.nanmax(s.to_numpy()) if vmax is None else vmax
   1128             rng = smax - smin

<__array_function__ internals> in nanmin(*args, **kwargs)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ in nanmin(a, axis, out, keepdims)
    317         # Fast, but not safe for subclasses of ndarray, or object arrays,
    318         # which do not implement isnan (gh-9009), or fmin correctly (gh-8975)
--> 319         res = np.fmin.reduce(a, axis=axis, out=out, **kwargs)
    320         if np.isnan(res).any():
    321             warnings.warn("All-NaN slice encountered", RuntimeWarning,

ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation fmin which has no identity

< at 0x215f7c46fa0>
0 1 2 3 4


Python tools used for connecting to and manipulating data stored in REDCap, SQLServer, and MySQL






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