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Releases: FrangSierra/RxFirebase

Update dependencies and control nulls on Firestore

03 Jan 10:28
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This release update the Firebase dependencies of the library and adds a null control to the addDocument method in RxFirestore to avoid an NPE when there is no permission to read the desired document. On that cases, Firebase calls onSuccess listener but the result is null.

Remote Config

30 Nov 10:55
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This release includes:

  • Support for remote config methods from Firebase.
  • More info on exceptions.
  • RxRecyclerView has been deleted. There is no point to keep updating it when the UI solutions on are much better. I totally encourage you guys to use this library.

Cloud Functions

27 Sep 13:53
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This release add a basic supports for Cloud functions method though RxFirebaseFunctions instance and update the dependencies of the actual project.

Offline methods and updated dependencies

17 Jul 10:34
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Hello everyone,

after talk with some people that is already using the library we saw that when using methods such as get, set, update that should work when the device is offline, the Rx calls(onComplete, OnSuccess) were not called because the tasks never call onSuccess until the data is correctly uploaded to the server.

To make this more easy to work with, new methods called setDocumentOffline, updateDocumentOffline, addDocumentOffline anddeleteDocumentOffline have been added to the library. All of them will execute their respective calls without wait for the Task to be completed.

Thank you so much for the support !

Firebase 15.0.0 is here!

11 May 09:31
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Hello everyone!

Well this is a minor release where the dependencies have been updated and a new methods have been added regarding the new methods added on the last release of Firebase.

  • Updated all the FirebaseMetadata dependencies to the new version
  • Added updateCurrentUser method to RxFirebaseAuth
  • Added atomicOperation method to support operate with multiple batches at once on RxFirestore
  • Updated dependencies
  • Method fetchEmailsForUsers updated to fetchSignInMethodsForEmail

Thank you everyone for your support, feel totally free about do PR's propose changes and open improvements for it.


More Firestore and minor bugfixing

08 Mar 11:32
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Hello everyone, new release here. After some suggestions from the users I added all the methods regarding the Query and QuerySnapshot references to allow everyone to use the library for make their queries using all the possibilities.

Together with that a bug related with the QUERY_EXIST_PREDICATE have been fixed, and finally there are new unitary testing part regarding the RxFirestore part of the library to avoid this minor bugs in the future.

Thank you everyone for your support, feel totally free about do PR's propose changes and open improvements for it.


Integrate RxFirestore, refactor RxStorage and fix minor bugs

19 Jan 14:18
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Hello everyone, new release here. There are a few changes regarding the usage of some parts of the library(like RxFirebaseStorage) and Firestore is not on beta anymore, so there is no reason to keep two separated target versions.

The changes of this version are:

  • RxFirestore is 100% implemented in the standard library

  • RxStorage has suffer a refactor to allow the download and upload task be cancelled when calling .dispose() on the disposable.

  • ObserveValueEventListener now emits all the dataSnapshots, even if they doesn't exist. There was some bugs because it was not emitting the events afte delete the last children of a parent or a whole tree. This was caused because the snapshot doesn't exist anymore. In case that you are working with a .map() the DATA_SNAPSHOT_EXISTENCE_PREDICATE will avoid to emit that one across the matcher to avoid NPE. Be care of it if you wanna listen possible "empty" snapshots to update realtime lists.

  • New checkStyle rules added to the project to avoid unnecessary indentation when PR's from other users are opened.

  • In all the onFailure calls now there is a check regarding if the emitter is disposed or not. This is needed because if we are working with zips or merge of multiple Observables If one of them crash, the flowable finish and everything is disposed, but, if there was more than an error, the error is propagated and disposed emitters try to emit onError calls.

Remember that this library is also yours, feel totally free about do PR's propose changes and open improvements for it.


Firebase Firestore Database beta update

10 Nov 17:29
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Updated the dependencies of the library to Firebase 11.6.0 and added checks of emitter.isDisposed in all the onError calls. This was caused a UncaughtException in cases where multiple onError were called at once and they are already disposed.

For example a disposables zip or merge where one of them fail. The first one call the whole onError for the disposable but each one of the single Observables will be disposed, and after that their onError will be called. Caused an UncaughtException

Firebase Firestore Database beta

04 Oct 15:21
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As you possibly know, yesterday Google released their new fully-managed NoSQL document database for mobile and web app development aka Firestore Database. It include a lot of new features regarding the data storage in the cloud. I just wrap all the new methods in a pre-release for you all.

This way you will be able to experiment with Firestore without needing of mixing normal Firebase API and Rx2Firebase. This pre-release is also a Beta, so please, any error, suggestion or change that you see viable, don't doubt in launch a PR to the firestore-beta branch. The tests will be added in the future, but if you want to add a bit of security and mockito work, feel free to do it 👍

If you don't know nothing about Firestore yet, read the next posts to learn about it:


Minor changes

21 Sep 07:51
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Hello everyone, this release just make a rollback to observeOnSingleValueEvent calling onSuccess when the emitted snapshot. Perhaps, now the mapper use a custom predicate to avoid NPE when the snapshot is empty.
