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Foundry VTT module to bring core book visual styling to your D&D 4e game


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Fox's 4e Aesthetics for Foundry VTT

Foundry VTT module for D&D 4e, which attempts to style sheets, journals, item cards and other elements to match the official 4e books as closely as possible.

  • Author: FoxLee
  • Contributors: Built on the work of everybody contributing to the D&D4e System implementation for Foundry VTT. French translation provided by Gilphe
  • Foundry VTT Compatibility: v12.x (last 11.ֶx release is 1.0.1, last 10.x release is 0.9.47)
  • 4e System Compatibility: v0.5+ (last 0.4.x release is 1.0.1)
  • Languages: en-AU, fr, en-US
  • Example Images: Assets used in these examples are used for demonstration only and are not included with the module. Non-core tokens are by Yuikami, battlemaps are by Cze & Peku, additional character portraits are my own art.


Core-inspired PC sheet

NEW: The long-awaited PC sheet, adapting 4e book styles into a beautiful and highly-functional VTT sheet!

  • Highlights the info most commonly used during game session in a "vitals" sidebar, with tabbed sheets for less commonly used items; ideally, a player should be able to spend 90% of any session on the powers tab with the vitals section up, and only have to swap tabs for occasional special tasks.
    • Skills appear on the vitals banner if they're trained
    • Custom Resources are displayed on the banner if "in summary" is checked
  • Doesn't override the existing PC sheet, so you can choose it per-character or set it as the default, as you see fit.
  • Retains the functionality of the existing sheet in almost all cases.
  • Makes heavy use of "tooltip" messages to assist in editing.
  • Every piece of visible text (aside from user entry of course) should be translation-ready.
  • Uses core item styling for on-sheet item summaries.
  • Includes a new d20 cursor to make it clear which labels will "roll" an item/send it to chat, vs expand/configure.

Core style NPC sheet

A new NPC sheet based on the official, deliciously compact 4e monster stat blocks we know and love!

  • Specifically based on the MM3 style stat block, with action-based subheadings. (Note that the sheet uses its own power sorting mode, including sending powers with triggers to their own group.)
  • Doesn't override the existing NPC sheet, so you can choose it per-monster or set it as the default, as you see fit.
  • Retains the functionality of the existing sheet in almost all cases (some items have to be managed on a separate tab).
  • Should work near-seamlessly with Draconas' Foundry 4e Tools/Masterplan exporter
  • Makes heavy use of "tooltip" messages to assist in editing.
  • Every piece of visible text (aside from user entry of course) should be translation-ready.
  • Auto-generated MM3 style power summary. No need to write your own summary, add extra info to headers or target lines, or any of that stuff. Just get the data right, and your summary should look perfect!

Tips for Use

  • Power icons are not included because of dubious legality; the icon displayed is the image you set for the power. But if you use a light-coloured SVG for the power icon (recommended because it looks better on the chat card), it will turn black in the sheet summary. This only works for SVG files—other files will be unchanged.
  • Skills entry on the Main tab lists any skill which has a "base" value set, has any bonuses active, or has a total bonus higher than the corresponding raw ability check (configured on the "Manage" tab). Exception: Perception will never appear here since it's always in the header.
  • Resistances/Immunities/Vulnerabilities entries in the header will show any damage type with a final value not equal to 0, or with "immunity" checked (configured on the "Manage" tab).
  • Elite and Solo monsters will display Action Points and Saving Throws in the header. For everybody else, you can find them in the "Manage" tab if you need them.
  • If "Advanced Math" is turned on, Ability Scores will appear for editing in the "Manage" tab, to avoid cluttering up the header.
  • In the absence of a monster trait object in the current system build, the sheet collapses almost all Feats and Class/Race/Etc Features down into a single "Traits" section. The sole exception is Epic Destiny Features; to maintain continuity with Drac's import code, we're currently using the "destinyFeats" object to store monster lore in a chat-card-friendly format. Features of this type will appear on the Lore tab instead.

Journal Styling

Makes your Journals look just like official 4e books!

  • Offers new journal sheets for player book (royal blue theme), GM book (maroon/wine theme) and monster book (olive green theme). Default journals also use the player theme for now, until I can work out a better way to add them into the editor.
  • Propagates to all ProseMirror-based rich text areas (based mainly on the need to style the editor—hopefully this can be improved in the future). If you want to prevent this, you'll have to deactivate all journal styling for now.
  • I haven't worked out how to add custom blocks to the editor, but you can use the HTML source editor to take advantage of built-in classes.
    • Check the included "Styling Manual" compendium for how to markup game stuff in journals. Currently supports generic table, "power" (table), "item" (table), "ritual" (div) and "rules-block" (div). (Other styles will be forthcoming, and hopefully I can eventually work out how to make them front-end selectable.)
  • Includes a selector so you can choose between book-accurate serif font, or the sans-serif version that's more easily readable on many screens.

Chat Styles

Styles chat messages, in particular item cards, to match the core 4e books.

  • Turn it on/off in the module settings.
  • Add text to the automatic tooltips for calculated values on chat cards, so you can (for example) check which attributes they include. For instructions on usage see the included "Styling Manual" compendium.
  • Chat cards for "destinyFeats" sent by NPC actors are styled after monster stat blocks, as per the workaround in use on the NPC character sheet.
  • Recharge powers have monster header colour, since they almost always come from NPCs.
  • I gave rituals a purple header cus, I dunno, I like it.
  • If you're using auto-generated power cards, NPC power cards will have their flavour text automatically be toggled "hidden" in chat. Reasoning: unlike PC powers, using the chat flavour field to judge whether or not we need the full description is unreliable (because NPC powers almost never have flavour text).
  • If you're not using auto-generated power cards, I've enabled two classes you can use with the source code editor to make the appropriate parts of your text pick up some basic styling.
    • power-basics for text that should look like the source/type/usage/keywords section
    • flavour for text that should look like flavour text.
    • To use them, enter "source code" mode using the toolbar button in the text editor. Then just add the desired class name to the p or div element wrapping your text, like so: <p class="flavour">. You won't see any difference while editing your item (at least for now) but you should see it in chat next time you use the power.
    • They will probably look okay with some elements other than p or div too, but consider these "unsupported".
    • Alternatively, if you know what you're doing you can inspect the markup output for the auto-generated chat cards and copy the class names as required. This should work more or less seamlessly.
  • As of 1.0, Chat Styles incorporates the styles formerly called "Extra" that don't relate to the speech bubble effect.
  • Includes compatibility tweaks for: Burble, Chat Portrait, Narrator Tools, DragonFlagon Chat Enhancements, Active Effects to Chat, Condition Lab & Triggler and Simply Portraits. Feel free to request others if you want them—I'll do what I can!

Token Action HUD Styling

Enhances 4e styling for Token Action HUD (requires TAH 4e System Module).

  • If you have "Colour Powers By Use Type" turned on, tweaks the colours to be book-accurate (matching chat cards and PC sheet).
  • Tooltips with item cards will are styled similarly to chat cards. Unfortunately card styling is more generic than for chat, as there is less information available about what type of card is being displayed (for example, equipment and NPC powers lose their unique colour schemes).
  • Turn it on/off from the module settings.

Visual Active Effects Styling

Adds 4e styling for Visual Active Effects effects panel.

  • Styles effect info much like chat cards, using the 4e gradient BG and text styles as in journals.
  • Uses the maroon accent colour from GM books as a header colour.

Carousel Combat Tracker Styling

Adds 4e styling for Carousel Combat Tracker carousel and tooltips.

  • Styles tooltips much like chat cards, using the 4e gradient BG and text styles as power cards.
  • Uses the maroon accent colour from GM books as a header colour.
  • Tweaks some other CCT styles for better visibility.

Extra chat styling

Extra chat styles have been moved into a new system-agnostic module, Burble!

In Fox's opinion, the best visuals come from using Burble + Chat Portrait + DF Chat Enhancement's combined messages.

To-Do/In Progress

  • Extra functionality for the PC sheet (user-selectable background image, collapsible to vitals maybe?).
  • New Sheets for all system "items" (powers, feats, gear, etc)
  • Fix the new NPC sheet's power sorting method, for Token Action HUD. For now, load a layout preset from the "extras" folder.
  • Work out a way to separate journal styling from journal-like rich text areas in other sheets. Ideally I would like to have the journal styling based entirely on sheet selection, and have rich text on other sheets be its own toggle. But at the moment I don't know how to make the pop-out journal editor aware of the selected sheet, which means I have to target the editor itself, which means all instances of the editor :\


  • From the Foundry VTT config/setup interface, click "Install Module" in the "Add-on Modules" tab.
  • In the "Manifest URL" field, paste the following:
  • Click "Install".


I'm never going to turn any of my Foundry stuff into paid-only, for a lot of different reasons; mostly because I'm an idealistic anti-capitalist grognard, but also because my ability to work is often compromised by disability, so I can't commit to a consistent schedule. NGL though, I could definitely use a tip if you can afford it and you like what I make! If you're inclined to support in monetary form, first of all thank you! And here's some options: Ko-fi / Patreon / Paypal

(If you want a neat game too, you could also tip by paying more than the minimum for a free/PWYW item on the Invincible Ink shop or my!)