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jorishermans edited this page Nov 23, 2014 · 1 revision

Client side

Import the client side library for dart force in your clientside file in the web folder.

import 'package:force/force_browser.dart';

First create a client.

 ForceClient forceClient = new ForceClient();

Listen on the connection, when it is established.

 forceClient.onConnected.listen((e) {


Listen on the connection, when it is been broken.

 forceClient.onDisconnected.listen((e) {


Listen on messages with the request of text.

 forceClient.on("text", (e, sender) {

You can also send messages to the server.

forceClient.send('text', data);

When you are in the need to reply on a message, you can use the 'reply' method of sender.

forceClient.on("text", (e, sender) {
    sender.reply("received", ok_data);

Server Side

Import Serverside code for dart force.

import 'package:force/force_serverside.dart';

Instantiate a forceserver.

ForceServer fs = new ForceServer( port: 9223, startPage: 'start.html' );

Other optional properties that are possible on ForceServer:

wsPath: is the websocket path of the server host: is the domain name of your application, by default to localhost port: is the adres port of the application buildPath: is the build path of the application by default this is ../build/web/ startPage: the startpage of the application, the html name that the app needs to use as default root page staticDir: is the public directory where you can put your stylesheets and images

Listen on messages of type text and react upon that.

fs.on('text', (e, sendable) { 
    var json = e.json;
    var line = json['line'];
    sendable.send('text', { 'line': line });

You can also serve files from the server part.

fs.start().then((_) {
    fs.serve("/client.dart").listen((request) { 
      fs.serveFile("../web/client.dart", request);

You can listen when a new Socket connection is been created.

fs.onSocket.listen((SocketEvent se) {
    // socket event