This project was created as a React/Redux practice. I took a fun twist on it (still while DOGE was popular). Feel free to set up a new score!
This project is setup with automated tests and build process. Althought unit tests don't come even close to covering all the components / functionality, they are good enough to setup workflows (all in the name of the automation).
The game is sort of available for desktop and mobile
Reach out to me if you would like to work on this project. There are secrets to be shared!
suggest going the nvm route
First thing you would need to do is to get all the node_modules
in your local project. From your cloned repo run: ( replace npm with yarn if that's what applies to you)
$ npm install
that will get all the modules needed for the app to run. Once all set, run the following command to check out the game locally.
$ npm start
From this point feel free to experiment with the code.
npm run unit-test
There is a workflow setup to do the build. All you need is to get your PR approved / pushed to master