Releases: Fluxxo/nomad
Bugfix release
This release fixes a bug when there was another logging driver specified than syslog:
Nomad defaults to log-driver=syslog settings and syslog-address=$syslogAddress.
To preserve nomads default behaviour, nomad sets the default values if no logging driver is supplied.
In the previous commit, nomad would always check if there is a field "syslog-address" in the logging options. If not, it would always set this field, yielding in docker do prevent the start as there are wrong logging options when not using "syslog" as logging driver type.
This release addresses this issue and has been tested again syslog, journald json-file and splunk.
individual logging options & support for host-fodler volumes
This is a minor release featuring two needed features on the docker driver:
Add custom logging options
Adding custom logging options. Nomad currently logs to syslog with a fixed syslog server address. If you want to use SPLUNK REST API oder the SPLUNK Universal log collector, you might need to specify different arguments. This release adds support for this by adding a "logging" atttribute in the job description. Syntax is like:
logging {
type = "syslog" {
syslog-address = "tcp://"
tag = "your/logging/tag/{{.ImageName}}/{{.Name}}"
format = "rfc3164"
All properties that are supported by docker may be passed in:
Adding support to mount host-based volumes and data volume container
Currently, nomad only mounted a custom folder to write its data to. If you needed to mount in a folder from the host, there was no way to do this. A use case is for example to mount in certificates or credentials that you don't want to be baked into a docker image. Hence, you might have the need to mount a folder.
The syntax is like:
volumes = [
volumes_from = [
Please keep in mind: There is no automatic creation mechanism for "volumes-from" - you need to create that container on the machine(s) manually and take care that the containers get provisioned on an adeqaute machine.
I personally disencourage to use this feature, I just built it in for convinience.
Use this feature with caution.