Name's Fluffy and I do things with computers. You can find me on Telegram or on Discord:@fluffysnowman
or FluffySnowman#1337
- AutoVirt - Virtual Machine (Qemu) automation tool built in rust.
- FluffyProxy - Reverse proxy to help expose a local service to the internet behing NAT or a firewall.
- PrettyLogger - Simple pretty logger built in go.
- Snowpass - Fully featured, cross-platform, CLI password manager.
- htp - Simple and practical http client written in python.
- lo - Better
command built in go (no documentation since its just for me) - Currently building a linux compatible, performant (hopefully) and modern OS/Kernel from scratch in Zig/C which will be made public once its actually useable.
- Documentation website which is a revamp of my old blog which is a revamp of the older one and a revamp of that and so on... (which has now been deleted)
- Vortexus is a tool that can be used to create working projects in minutes
- thed0xmachine is a project that I'm gonna be working on in the future. Use this wisely 👀 🖥️
- Making a database from scratch (first in C, then Go, then Rust, and now Zig, and now rust again) which has features that no other database has. Will be made public once its actually usable.
- Working on a self-hostable networking tool in Go, with join notifications, statistics, report generation, security alerts and much more.