CircleCI Checks / run_build_pipeline
Aug 23, 2024 in 25m 27s
Workflow: run_build_pipeline
- build_examples - Success
- install_flowmachine_deps - Success
- build_flowkit_jwt_generator_wheel - Success
- build_flowclient_wheel - Success
- build_flowmachine_wheel - Success
- build_flowetl - Success
- build_flowauth - Success
- run_flowauth_end_to_end_tests - Success
- run_flowetl_unit_tests - Success
- build_flowmachine - Success
- run_token_generator_tests - Success
- build_flowdb - Success
- run_flowetl_integration_tests - Success
- build_flowdb_oracle - Success
- build_flowdb_testdata - Success
- run_flowmachine_tests - Success
- integration_tests-query_tests and ASyncConnection - Success
- integration_tests-not query_tests - Success
- build_flowdb_synthdata - Success
- synth_data_sql_generator_tests - Success
- build_docs - Success
- lint_js - Success
- run_flowauth_backend_tests - Success
- lint_python - Success
- run_flowkit_api_tests - Success
- build_flowetl_wheel - Success
- build_flowapi - Success
- test_quickstart_examples_with_smaller_data - Success
- test_quickstart - Success
- synth_data_python_generator_tests - Success
- integration_tests-query_tests and not ASyncConnection - Success
- run_flowclient_tests - Success