Releases: FleekHQ/space-daemon
8814d68 textile/utils: IsMetaFileName()
8057245 Add lock to healthcheck loop
49e85f5 Allow generating public link for shared files (#193)
f209671 Chore/ci: add note about secrets in README
6cf3480 Chore/ci: github.ref refers to tag name so use that instead
49fac55 Chore/ci: remove debug log
978ec57 Chore/ci: use PRD and DEV for secret suffix
a5377a4 Chore/ci:fix step name in secrets and add logging.
080179e Chore/doc: remove finished todos
888bd53 Feature: FUSE Shared With Me Data Source (#192)
144ce81 Fix deterministic thread id to use priv key instead of pub (#194)
1ffec91 Fix list files decryption (#176)
290b7e2 Fix: panic on Rejecting Invitation (#178)
9b487a8 Get shared with me files WIP (#162)
d77f8a5 Hotfix/add-file: add current user as owner.
8ccc69f Hotfix/backup: handle / for path during upload.
06b0bdb Hotfix/backup: remove leftover logs
de02dc7 Hotfix/backup: remove one more leftover log
c2431f3 Hotfix/backup: wire up backed up field to listdirs
2f2b18f Hotfix/ci: fix go version
eb689c9 Hotfix/ci: remove ipfsaddr from build settings
79bfca9 Hotfix/files: dont crash on missing map entry.
39fdff6 Hotfix/mail/subs: fixes full payload not being sent in sub event.
909e3aa Hotfix/mailbox: use cfg for hub address
166d8eb Hotfix/mirror: add note about tradeoff, and only init if hub connection has no error.
664b774 Hotfix/mirror: fixes a few bugs in the mirror bucket and mirror file creation
e00597c Hotfix/mirror: move init before hub connection since it is needed for mirror, add missing hub ctx to creation of hub thread.
938ac73 Hotfix/notifs: don't crash on unknown types, and fix subsriptions
d65bc11 Hotfix/notifs: dont send extra path item
62ea784 Hotfix/notifs: impl last seen at, fix related object
4128bec Hotfix/receivedfiles: dont throw if members query throws, fix formatting for size and datetimes, fix memebrs not showing up.
caa6f8b Hotfix/sharing-accept: cache privkey
ad0c224 Hotfix/sharing-accept: dont throw on unknown message type, add missing sharing message fields, handle invitation reply message.
3484b0b Hotfix/sharing: bugs related to opening received file (cant call list bucktets as a sharee, bug from leftover log.
c12046c Hotfix/sharing: fix typo
a8ad2ff Hotfix/sharing: make file owner helper function priv and update mocks.
26a4678 Hotfix/sharing: make paths immutable, fallback local ipfsaddr, fix pubkey encoding issue.
b6c66b9 Hotfix/sharing: remove leftover logs
0ef742c Hotfix/sharing: return pubkey and address in all cases
79c750e Hotfix/sharing: save invitation id properly, update context helper to create new token.
e448bb7 Hotfix/sharing: show accept status on file invitations
62ef9c1 Hotfix/sharing: some more bugs with sharing and mirror file creation, this should be a working happy path.
1742bb0 Hotfix/sharing: use different name for mirror bucket
45b0544 Hotfix/txl-example: use ssl options in file share example to test with upgraded hub.
8092381 Hotfix: clear store and mailbox after logout (#197)
518f8ed Hotfix: don't error on single file encryption error
41b35c6 Make key generation / restore ops wait for initialization of textile (#171)
5bcb617 Make textile client dependent methods more robust (#186)
36f4443 Merge branch 'alpha-release-dev' into hotfix/ch18278/listdir-backedup
a635181 Merge branch 'master' into alpha-release-dev
fb026a7 Merge pull request #160 from FleekHQ/hotfix/mirror/misc-bugs
f377773 Merge pull request #161 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/more-bugs
5f690ed Merge pull request #165 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing-accept
baa5d48 Merge pull request #166 from FleekHQ/hotfix/receivedfiles/dont-throw-and-formatting
26f897a Merge pull request #167 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/lastseenat-and-relobj
3654f94 Merge pull request #168 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/extra-path-item
3712084 Merge pull request #172 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ci/alpha-release-dev
44a8b9d Merge pull request #174 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/subs
fbd8b37 Merge pull request #179 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18255/mail-subs
0defbd4 Merge pull request #180 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18278/listdir-backedup
fae5325 Merge pull request #182 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18271/members-on-recvd-files
64a569e Merge pull request #184 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18342/dont-panic-on-missing-map-val
7509ece Merge pull request #185 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/list-members
42c5bb1 Merge pull request #187 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18395/open-file-err
0f81dc7 Merge pull request #189 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18277/show-accept
84a2b00 Merge pull request #199 from FleekHQ/alpha-release-dev
86c4dac Open shared files (#164)
7f60a3d Remove CGO_ENABLED env (#175)
5e9a3a5 Return correct backup states and file extension (#188)
6b76845 Sync alpha with master (#198)
230ac72 Temo int with txl: remove bin
ffb8ee7 Update FUSE and SpaceFS implementation (#116)
21d7363 Upload public shared files to hub (#169)
5df6fdf Use env specific variables based on branch
b4ad3dc backup: additional toggle logic
21fb090 fix struct field tags
964ae8a fs: need bucketSlug and bucketPath
e49a844 listDirAtPath: expose members
36e172d members: unmarshal pubk and derive address
080179e Chore/doc: remove finished todos
caa6f8b Hotfix/sharing-accept: cache privkey
3484b0b Hotfix/sharing: bugs related to opening received file (cant call list bucktets as a sharee, bug from leftover log.
79c750e Hotfix/sharing: save invitation id properly, update context helper to create new token.
e448bb7 Hotfix/sharing: show accept status on file invitations
42c5bb1 Merge pull request #187 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18395/open-file-err
0f81dc7 Merge pull request #189 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18277/show-accept
5e9a3a5 Return correct backup states and file extension (#188)
1ffec91 Fix list files decryption (#176)
290b7e2 Fix: panic on Rejecting Invitation (#178)
d77f8a5 Hotfix/add-file: add current user as owner.
8ccc69f Hotfix/backup: handle / for path during upload.
06b0bdb Hotfix/backup: remove leftover logs
de02dc7 Hotfix/backup: remove one more leftover log
c2431f3 Hotfix/backup: wire up backed up field to listdirs
79bfca9 Hotfix/files: dont crash on missing map entry.
39fdff6 Hotfix/mail/subs: fixes full payload not being sent in sub event.
938ac73 Hotfix/notifs: don't crash on unknown types, and fix subsriptions
a8ad2ff Hotfix/sharing: make file owner helper function priv and update mocks.
0ef742c Hotfix/sharing: return pubkey and address in all cases
518f8ed Hotfix: don't error on single file encryption error
36f4443 Merge branch 'alpha-release-dev' into hotfix/ch18278/listdir-backedup
3712084 Merge pull request #172 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ci/alpha-release-dev
44a8b9d Merge pull request #174 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/subs
fbd8b37 Merge pull request #179 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18255/mail-subs
0defbd4 Merge pull request #180 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18278/listdir-backedup
fae5325 Merge pull request #182 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18271/members-on-recvd-files
64a569e Merge pull request #184 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ch18342/dont-panic-on-missing-map-val
7509ece Merge pull request #185 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/list-members
7f60a3d Remove CGO_ENABLED env (#175)
ffb8ee7 Update FUSE and SpaceFS implementation (#116)
21d7363 Upload public shared files to hub (#169)
964ae8a fs: need bucketSlug and bucketPath
e49a844 listDirAtPath: expose members
36e172d members: unmarshal pubk and derive address
938ac73 Hotfix/notifs: don't crash on unknown types, and fix subsriptions
3712084 Merge pull request #172 from FleekHQ/hotfix/ci/alpha-release-dev
44a8b9d Merge pull request #174 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/subs
9a6201d Remove CGO_ENABLED env
21d7363 Upload public shared files to hub (#169)
f209671 Chore/ci: add note about secrets in README
6cf3480 Chore/ci: github.ref refers to tag name so use that instead
49fac55 Chore/ci: remove debug log
978ec57 Chore/ci: use PRD and DEV for secret suffix
a5377a4 Chore/ci:fix step name in secrets and add logging.
41b35c6 Make key generation / restore ops wait for initialization of textile (#171)
5df6fdf Use env specific variables based on branch
710643d Add GetAPISessionTokens gRPC endpoint (#120)
b174962 Add address derivation function (#146)
8057245 Add lock to healthcheck loop
c92b26f Add mailbox to init flow (#151)
1fcca2e Add unimplemented method to get recently shared with (#125)
84e258c Add user secret and key to config/env and CI.
a2fea9a Added message type to message
bf2045d Allow running Textile client in no-key state (#141)
8b93b11 Change public sharing file to textiles
eddb5ee Clean var name
ba51de3 Create users client and setup mailbox on startup.
c1849b7 Embed IPFS node
b6ca233 Feature: Accept Shared File invitation [ch17906] (#154)
3a4b790 Feature: Bucket Level Encryption (#123)
ffb7f5d Feature: Multiple file sharing logic [ch17238]
fa1c253 Fix auth hub by removing cached jwt after deleting keys (#145)
e4f6d14 Fix broken tests: update mock txl client
5d15364 Fix get notifications calls, add next offset, change next offset to string
44e76d8 Fix local and hub ctx colliding.
8e86509 Fix seg fault on mailbox test
0c31012 Fix user client against hub
83fe413 Fix: Update public sharing domain
113e19d Fixed tests and bug fix
9b487a8 Get shared with me files WIP (#162)
2f2b18f Hotfix/ci: fix go version
eb689c9 Hotfix/ci: remove ipfsaddr from build settings
909e3aa Hotfix/mailbox: use cfg for hub address
166d8eb Hotfix/mirror: add note about tradeoff, and only init if hub connection has no error.
664b774 Hotfix/mirror: fixes a few bugs in the mirror bucket and mirror file creation
e00597c Hotfix/mirror: move init before hub connection since it is needed for mirror, add missing hub ctx to creation of hub thread.
d65bc11 Hotfix/notifs: dont send extra path item
811c589 Hotfix/notifs: forgot to regen mocks
62ea784 Hotfix/notifs: impl last seen at, fix related object
65fb6fa Hotfix/notifs: need to decrypt msg body before parsing it and some json unmarshalling typos.
4128bec Hotfix/receivedfiles: dont throw if members query throws, fix formatting for size and datetimes, fix memebrs not showing up.
ad0c224 Hotfix/sharing-accept: dont throw on unknown message type, add missing sharing message fields, handle invitation reply message.
683b3eb Hotfix/sharing: decode hex string properly, use hub context when sending message
c12046c Hotfix/sharing: fix typo
fd9c3dd Hotfix/sharing: inject hubAuth from the top, update mailbox tests
26a4678 Hotfix/sharing: make paths immutable, fallback local ipfsaddr, fix pubkey encoding issue.
b6c66b9 Hotfix/sharing: remove leftover logs
62ef9c1 Hotfix/sharing: some more bugs with sharing and mirror file creation, this should be a working happy path.
6244f5e Hotfix/sharing: temp commment out creating hub bucket context until we have mirror id.
1742bb0 Hotfix/sharing: use different name for mirror bucket
0518350 Hotfix: Mirror bucket init fix
0ce1225 Hotfix: Update getModel usage
c64aa0c Hotfix: don't allow getting mailbox messages if not connected
44fa64d Hotfix: revert #138
e2f7e65 Hotfix: use cfg values for txl hub key and secret instead of directly from env
092c0fc Inital impl of get notifications, still need to enhance msg
ba449a8 Initial commit for sharing updates, left placeholder for textile acl integration.
68e2565 Log out gRPCs (#129)
c1e5605 Merge branch 'master' into feature/ch17271/hub-inbox
e64f41f Merge branch 'master' into feature/ch17805/get-notifs-and-listen
2673d58 Merge grpc interface updates
cd94e82 Merge master
192f27e Merge master
54e656b Merge master: fix go.mod
24e431d Merge pull request #108 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17271/hub-inbox
d976750 Merge pull request #109 from FleekHQ/chore/ch17785/update-grpc
af71e4d Merge pull request #118 from FleekHQ/chore/sharing-grpc-updates
ae3e280 Merge pull request #119 from FleekHQ/hotfix/refactor-temp-hub-ctx-helpr
3dba584 Merge pull request #122 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17900/update-create-share-logic
5bbdadc Merge pull request #124 from andrewxhill/patch-1
4dcdd80 Merge pull request #126 from FleekHQ/hotfix/grpc-updates-notifs
45c546a Merge pull request #127 from FleekHQ/hotfix/use-cfg-txl-secrets
2682601 Merge pull request #130 from FleekHQ/hotfix/grpc-updates-notifs
39e9c14 Merge pull request #134 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17805/get-notifs-and-listen
7159d9b Merge pull request #136 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/update-link-sharing-for-swm
7fda1f6 Merge pull request #140 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/tweak-grpc-handle-invite
b81ddb8 Merge pull request #144 from FleekHQ/hotfix/create-sharing
76297c4 Merge pull request #147 from FleekHQ/fixes/create-sharing-swm
e8d9ac3 Merge pull request #149 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/make-buck-opt
b5ddfc9 Merge pull request #153 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/parsing-err
fb026a7 Merge pull request #160 from FleekHQ/hotfix/mirror/misc-bugs
f377773 Merge pull request #161 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/more-bugs
5f690ed Merge pull request #165 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing-accept
baa5d48 Merge pull request #166 from FleekHQ/hotfix/receivedfiles/dont-throw-and-formatting
26f897a Merge pull request #167 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/lastseenat-and-relobj
3654f94 Merge pull request #168 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/extra-path-item
3753d5a Merge pull request #98 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17238/multipe-file-sharing-logic [ch17238]
8c49d46 Merge sharing deps
00de488 Merged master
1099be9 Merged master
7697e85 Merged master
02a5729 Merged master
e7eff5d Merged master, regen textile mock
ece2c56 Mnemonic backup and restore (#111)
f703ae5 Notifications: add listener, fix store setting bug
4f496ce Notifications: test cleanup
fcd11ea Notifications: update mocks, remove extra log.
95f54a1 Notifications: use last seen at timestamp instead of message ID.
711ac05 Notifications: wire up grpc stream
c03e145 OS keychain (#115)
86c4dac Open shared files (#164)
f5e4444 Paper wallet create / restore (#107)
8fef7d2 Refactor collections and "Shared with me" thread (#150)
bc65d79 Refactor temproary hub context helper to return context instead of token since it requires the API sig context embedded into it as well.
ce14ef0 Remove extra error check
412d17f Remove leftover comment in sharing domain
e408a4f Remove leftover log
fe6b17c Remove member collection pieces.
cf3cf93 Remove member struct
0abfcc5 Remove redundant env var.
a144eea Send message wrapper
08aafea Set ulimit on start (#142)
b81e1c4 Sharing grpc updates: shared with me files now receive a dbid and bucket name which could then be used to pass along to link generator call.
640732d Sharing temp integration: use temp versions of textile, partial fixs (NOTE: does not compile yet)
5a4c18f Sharing: Make tc.FindBucketInCollection public and remove comments for usage, update mocks.
67a779a Sharing: add hub bucket client, add remote bucket context helper.
645ecc8 Sharing: add proper placeholder for sharing API call.
1ad2038 Sharing: add todo for integrating buckets acl api
fa3864b Sharing: added full path to request, added more placeholders.
351e6b4 Sharing: fix grpc type mismatch and merge issues.
5a39569 Sharing: move mailbox init to mailbox package
b842036 Sharing: refactor context helpers
b7968b2 Sharing: remove todo for message as we actually need to send it now
838c51b Sharing: this makes it so that the client doesn't need to send the bucket name for files in the default bucket.
7d54bd8 Sharing: update accept/reject handlers to single func.
230ac72 Temo int with txl: remove bin
ea0f234 Temp integration to txl: it's compiling
34fe4cf Temp integration to txl: uncommented share call, still need to get mirror bucket info before completing it but it compiles.
3626195 Temp txl int: final wireup of bucket encryption keys, file keys.
9e80fbb Temp txl int: fix tests and examples
26182fd Temp txl int: fix type due to txl upgrade, use new bucket create function for mirror buck.
bc3b390 Temp txl int: merge master
e0009ee Test mailbox setup in example
10bf0b8 Test setup for inboxing
bdcc1bc Textile Hub auth challenge (#128)
35ad3a0 Tweak a few names in GRPC messages
d77922b Update create share API, and add get shared with me files
037ae32 Update docs
baa9c84 Update grpc interfaces
5a28925 Use TLS for hub example since we point to TXL now
e5c0fc5 Use helper function for hub connection, use crypto.PubKey for send message input, update tests.
4d291fd Use hub target from global config
0902ca4 Use interface for users client so we can test
5d87368 Use mail local lib
4271a4b Use string for nextoffset, add new notifications clear, update accept/reject share endpoint names
7acbd7c Vault: Clientside implementation (#121)
0715ccd WOrking send example
5d322bc default repoPath explicitly
7cfa3b8 don't block <-component.WaitForReady() on err
a0c098a fix(docs): devMode => dev in setup
05153cb getMetaThreadContext: pass hub
5cc87eb hotfix: Disable hub token in get public key
4a00236 implement ToggleBucketBackup
e1f9990 mirror bucket and backup files
cb9a54c recentlyShared
710643d Add GetAPISessionTokens gRPC endpoint (#120)
b174962 Add address derivation function (#146)
c92b26f Add mailbox to init flow (#151)
1fcca2e Add unimplemented method to get recently shared with (#125)
84e258c Add user secret and key to config/env and CI.
a2fea9a Added message type to message
bf2045d Allow running Textile client in no-key state (#141)
8b93b11 Change public sharing file to textiles
eddb5ee Clean var name
ba51de3 Create users client and setup mailbox on startup.
c1849b7 Embed IPFS node
b6ca233 Feature: Accept Shared File invitation [ch17906] (#154)
3a4b790 Feature: Bucket Level Encryption (#123)
ffb7f5d Feature: Multiple file sharing logic [ch17238]
fa1c253 Fix auth hub by removing cached jwt after deleting keys (#145)
e4f6d14 Fix broken tests: update mock txl client
5d15364 Fix get notifications calls, add next offset, change next offset to string
44e76d8 Fix local and hub ctx colliding.
8e86509 Fix seg fault on mailbox test
0c31012 Fix user client against hub
83fe413 Fix: Update public sharing domain
113e19d Fixed tests and bug fix
dab45c7 Hotfix/ci: remove ipfsaddr from build settings
9e3dec9 Hotfix/mirror: add note about tradeoff, and only init if hub connection has no error.
97aed04 Hotfix/mirror: move init before hub connection since it is needed for mirror, add missing hub ctx to creation of hub thread.
811c589 Hotfix/notifs: forgot to regen mocks
65fb6fa Hotfix/notifs: need to decrypt msg body before parsing it and some json unmarshalling typos.
683b3eb Hotfix/sharing: decode hex string properly, use hub context when sending message
fd9c3dd Hotfix/sharing: inject hubAuth from the top, update mailbox tests
6244f5e Hotfix/sharing: temp commment out creating hub bucket context until we have mirror id.
0518350 Hotfix: Mirror bucket init fix
0ce1225 Hotfix: Update getModel usage
c64aa0c Hotfix: don't allow getting mailbox messages if not connected
44fa64d Hotfix: revert #138
e2f7e65 Hotfix: use cfg values for txl hub key and secret instead of directly from env
092c0fc Inital impl of get notifications, still need to enhance msg
ba449a8 Initial commit for sharing updates, left placeholder for textile acl integration.
68e2565 Log out gRPCs (#129)
c1e5605 Merge branch 'master' into feature/ch17271/hub-inbox
e64f41f Merge branch 'master' into feature/ch17805/get-notifs-and-listen
2673d58 Merge grpc interface updates
192f27e Merge master
cd94e82 Merge master
54e656b Merge master: fix go.mod
24e431d Merge pull request #108 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17271/hub-inbox
d976750 Merge pull request #109 from FleekHQ/chore/ch17785/update-grpc
af71e4d Merge pull request #118 from FleekHQ/chore/sharing-grpc-updates
ae3e280 Merge pull request #119 from FleekHQ/hotfix/refactor-temp-hub-ctx-helpr
3dba584 Merge pull request #122 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17900/update-create-share-logic
5bbdadc Merge pull request #124 from andrewxhill/patch-1
4dcdd80 Merge pull request #126 from FleekHQ/hotfix/grpc-updates-notifs
45c546a Merge pull request #127 from FleekHQ/hotfix/use-cfg-txl-secrets
2682601 Merge pull request #130 from FleekHQ/hotfix/grpc-updates-notifs
39e9c14 Merge pull request #134 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17805/get-notifs-and-listen
7159d9b Merge pull request #136 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/update-link-sharing-for-swm
7fda1f6 Merge pull request #140 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/tweak-grpc-handle-invite
b81ddb8 Merge pull request #144 from FleekHQ/hotfix/create-sharing
76297c4 Merge pull request #147 from FleekHQ/fixes/create-sharing-swm
e8d9ac3 Merge pull request #149 from FleekHQ/hotfix/sharing/make-buck-opt
b5ddfc9 Merge pull request #153 from FleekHQ/hotfix/notifs/parsing-err
3c54adf Merge pull request #157 from FleekHQ/chore/sharing/integrate-with-txl
dc9b36d Merge pull request #158 from FleekHQ/revert-157-chore/sharing/integrate-with-txl
63aadf0 Merge pull request #159 from FleekHQ/hotfix/make-create-mirror-work
3753d5a Merge pull request #98 from FleekHQ/feature/ch17238/multipe-file-sharing-logic [ch17238]
8c49d46 Merge sharing deps
02a5729 Merged master
7697e85 Merged master
1099be9 Merged master
00de488 Merged master
e7eff5d Merged master, regen textile mock
ece2c56 Mnemonic backup and restore (#111)
f703ae5 Notifications: add listener, fix store setting bug
4f496ce Notifications: test cleanup
fcd11ea Notifications: update mocks, remove extra log.
95f54a1 Notifications: use last seen at timestamp instead of message ID.
711ac05 Notifications: wire up grpc stream
c03e145 OS keychain (#115)
f5e4444 Paper wallet create / restore (#107)
8fef7d2 Refactor collections and "Shared with me" thread (#150)
bc65d79 Refactor temproary hub context helper to return context instead of token since it requires the API sig context embedded into it as well.
ce14ef0 Remove extra error check
412d17f Remove leftover comment in sharing domain
e408a4f Remove leftover log
fe6b17c Remove member collection pieces.
cf3cf93 Remove member struct
0abfcc5 Remove redundant env var.
6d4c12e Revert "Chore/sharing/integrate with txl"
a144eea Send message wrapper
08aafea Set ulimit on start (#142)
b81e1c4 Sharing grpc updates: shared with me files now receive a dbid and bucket name which could then be used to pass along to link generator call.
640732d Sharing temp integration: use temp versions of textile, partial fixs (NOTE: does not compile yet)
5a4c18f Sharing: Make tc.FindBucketInCollection public and remove comments for usage, update mocks.
67a779a Sharing: add hub bucket client, add remote bucket context helper.
645ecc8 Sharing: add proper placeholder for sharing API call.
1ad2038 Sharing: add todo for integrating buckets acl api
fa3864b Sharing: added full path to request, added more placeholders.
351e6b4 Sharing: fix grpc type mismatch and merge issues.
5a39569 Sharing: move mailbox init to mailbox package
b842036 Sharing: refactor context helpers
b7968b2 Sharing: remove todo for message as we actually need to send it now
838c51b Sharing: this makes it so that the client doesn't need to send the bucket name for files in the default bucket.
7d54bd8 Sharing: update accept/reject handlers to single func.
ea0f234 Temp integration to txl: it's compiling
34fe4cf Temp integration to txl: uncommented share call, still need to get mirror bucket info before completing it but it compiles.
3626195 Temp txl int: final wireup of bucket encryption keys, file keys.
9e80fbb Temp txl int: fix tests and examples
26182fd Temp txl int: fix type due to txl upgrade, use new bucket create function for mirror buck.
bc3b390 Temp txl int: merge master
e0009ee Test mailbox setup in example
10bf0b8 Test setup for inboxing
bdcc1bc Textile Hub auth challenge (#128)
35ad3a0 Tweak a few names in GRPC messages
d77922b Update create share API, and add get shared with me files
037ae32 Update docs
baa9c84 Update grpc interfaces
5a28925 Use TLS for hub example since we point to TXL now
e5c0fc5 Use helper function for hub connection, use crypto.PubKey for send message input, update tests.
4d291fd Use hub target from global config
0902ca4 Use interface for users client so we can test
5d87368 Use mail local lib
4271a4b Use string for nextoffset, add new notifications clear, update accept/reject share endpoint names
7acbd7c Vault: Clientside implementation (#121)
0715ccd WOrking send example
5d322bc default repoPath explicitly
7cfa3b8 don't block <-component.WaitForReady() on err
a0c098a fix(docs): devMode => dev in setup
05153cb getMetaThreadContext: pass hub
5cc87eb hotfix: Disable hub token in get public key
4a00236 implement ToggleBucketBackup
e1f9990 mirror bucket and backup files
cb9a54c recentlyShared