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File format conventions

Jules edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 4 revisions

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  • Format the code in Android Studio.
  • Optimize and compress SVGs with SVGO.
  • Add a newline (empty line) to the end of each file.


To check XML files, make sure to open them in Android Studio in order to receive warnings from the software itself.

  • The XML data should ideally not have any warnings (e.g. LongVector).
    • Try to use avocado to further compress XMLs with long paths.
    • Some shapes are complex and will render long paths no matter how much compression is done. As a last resort, add the attribute tools:ignore="VectorPath" to the culprit <path />. This will also require you to add xmlns:tools="" to the <vector /> itself.
      • Also add VectorRaster to the ignore attribute if tools:targetApi="n" appears in the XML (e.g. tools:ignore="VectorPath,VectorRaster")
  • Avoid android:fillType=“evenOdd” if possible, unless removing this attribute negatively affects the graphic of the icon itself.
    • Make sure to visually check within the preview in Android Studio if removing this attribute causes any issues.
    • If the path of an icon requires this attribute, you should then add the attribute tools:targetApi="n" to the culprit <path />. This will also require you to add xmlns:tools="" to the <vector /> itself.
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