A simple, open-source program for automatically downsampling CRI Middleware (v3) ADX files.
- Custom sample rates and audio bitrate options
- Option to put audio in mono
- Keeps loop from original file
- Can downsample a single or batch of ADX files
- CMD support (by running ADXdownsampler.exe in a command line)
If you do wish to use this program as a command line program, here are the options:
-i: input file/directory
-samplerate: sample rate of output file(s)
-audiobitrate bitrate of output file(s)
-mono: Forces output file(s) to mono
-copyskipped: Copies skipped file(s) to output folder (b/c the output sample rate was greater than the sample rate of the original file)
-overwrite: Auto overwrites file(s) in out folder
Example command (batch downsample) - Every ADX file in "C:\ADX" would be downsampled to 32000Hz mono.
adxdownsampler.exe -i "C:\ADX" -samplerate 32000 -mono
adxencd.exe from CRI Middleware