Repository for website hosting Mi'gmaq language lessons.
- Site Plan (pdf)
- How to Add a Webpage [(pdf)]( to Add a Webpage.pdf?raw=true) [(edit)]( to Add a Webpage.docx?raw=true)
- How to Use Jekyll [(pdf)]( to Use Jekyll.pdf?raw=true) [(edit)]( to Use Jekyll.docx?raw=true)
- How to Use Version Control [(pdf)]( to Use Version Control.pdf?raw=true) [(edit)]( to Use Version Control.docx?raw=true)
- How to write a lesson [(pdf)]( to write a lesson.pdf?raw=true) [(edit)]( to write a lesson.docx?raw=true)
- UsefulCodeSnippets.txt
- XMLconventions.txt
- audio_list.html
Directory structure:
Source code:
- data: contains the xml, xslt, and python files used to generate the webcode.
- audio: audio recordings by Mi'gmaq speakers
- emoji: small imgs that accompany a line in lessons
- img: images used on site
- css: CSS code. All changes should be made to custom.css, not the Bootstrap files.
- fonts: fonts for the site
- js: Javascript code
- documentation: website plans and documentation. These files do not appear on the website
Generated webfiles:
- sections: webpages for each section of the curriculum; generated by
- units: webpages for each unit of the curriculum; generated by
- lessons: webpages for each language lesson; generated by
- dialogs: webpages for each dialog; generated by
- vocabs: webpages for each vocab section; generated by
- _site: contains the actual website code; auto-generated by running jekyll build
- _layouts: contains Jekyll layouts to be applied to webfiles
- _includes: code snippets that Jekyll pastes into webfiles
To build the website, run $ make
. The Makefile will run the python scripts if necessary and build Jekyll.
Jekyll output should not be committed to this repository, only source code.
This repository is now public, since we have permission to use the audio files.
The website is found at