pulses21: Barriers and drivers for increasing future pulse consumption from frequent and infrequent consumers’ perspectives in Denmark
This project investigates barriers and drivers for pulse consumption and the intentions to increase future pulses intake through a survey among 596 Danes conducted in 2021.
Analyses for this project are run in the following order:
/data_raw/create_data.R This has already been run to sort the raw data into the sorted data needed for further analyses
/R/data_management.R This script contains code for data wrangling prior to conducting analyses
/R/analyses.R This script contains code for descriptive analyses and logistic regression analyses
Output from analyses include:
factor_analysis_pulses21.Rmd This markdown contains code for factor analyses with varimax rotations
factor_analysis_pulses21.html This html contains output from factor analyses with varimax rotations
Pulses 2021 - drivers and barriers.pdf This pdf contains output from factor analyses in a .pdf format
Due to personally identifiable information, the data set will not be shared publicly.